I got home from Anna’s appointment yesterday, and while it was cold outside I didn’t think I should quite be feeling so violently cold. Yeah. My temperature yesterday was 101.5. This morning it was 102.9. I can’t even really control it with ibuprofen or tylenol, so I went to the doctor to get a strep check (I have a sore throat too) and I just have “an influenza-type virus.” Crud. And Anna’s too little to have gotten a flu shot (of course, I did get one and we can see how well that worked) and she’s just gotten over her last illness (and is still on the antibiotics) so I really, really don’t want to give this to her. But I can’t not touch her all day, since I’m the only one here to take care of us all. And of course I don’t want Carrie sick either as I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. (If I had one, which I don’t.)
Um. Blogging while very feverish apparently leads to the overuse of parentheses. I will go away now and curl up in several layers of blankets and hope I feel better in the morning…