We went to the museum today. One of Carrie’s favorite parts was actually in the planetarium, where they had a huge screen and colored lights set up to show how cyan, magenta and yelow light could combine to make the other colors.

Carrie definitely had fun making her colorful shadows dance!
I think we’ll stick with the children’s museum for a few more years, though. While it was a mostly enjoyable trip I felt pretty stressed with all the much older children who were there. Many were not well supervised and there were several times that Carrie got shoved out of the way by older kids while she was patiently waiting her turn to look at or do something. I never know what to do in that situation…if their “responsible” adult is standing right there and doesn’t say anything, I kind of feel like I can’t say anything either.
I am slightly jealous that she got to go in to the planetarium show featuring Stomp! with Sammy and Lisa while Anna and I stayed outside, but really, Anna needed a bit of quiet down time by then anyway. I’m sure there will be many more planetarium shows in our future!