Dear Carolyn,
You’re just a little closer to being 4 and a half. Now you tell everyone: “I’m four. Soon I’ll be four and a half. And in October I’ll be five!” Then you follow it up with “My mommy’s name is Sarah and my daddy’s name is Denis. And we have a baby and her name is Anna. My name is Carolyn and my middle name is Sylvia. And my last name is…” Pretty soon you’re going to be sharing our phone number and address!

Speaking of sharing, Anna has become mobile enough that she can get to whatever you are playing with if you’re playing on the floor. So I get to spend a fair amount of time moderating. But for the most part you’re really tolerant of her getting into your space and “messing up” whatever you’re doing.
You still can’t get enough of books and reading. Lately you’ve been reading a series of books about the weather fairies, and you are just so excited whenever you get a new one. One day when we went to pick out the next one at the bookstore, Anna fell asleep in her stroller. So we hung out for a little while in the store and you were just finishing up the last page of the book when it came time to check out – I had to steer you around while you walked with your nose stuck in the book!

You are still loving dance. Last week at the studio we were unexpectedly treated to a preview of one of the dances you’ll be doing at your first recital, and you were so serious and professional. I can tell you’ve really been working hard in class!
The other things you like to do right now include riding your tricycle, drawing and coloring on your easel, and playing with your dollhouse and ponies. Actually, there’s not a whole lot you don’t like to do, except sleep – you might miss something!

At this point you’ve decided you want to be a dancer, chef, mommy and fire fighter when you grow up. Last year around this time you were only planning to be a dancer and a chef, so you’ve expanded your plans a bit. I have no doubt that no matter what you want to be, if you put your mind to it you’ll be able to do it! Though I reserve the right to worry about you if you do decide to be a fire fighter…
Love, Mommy