The Job Box

We have our annual St. Patty’s Day party coming up this weekend and the house is, well, a mess. A big one. So I’ve written everything we need to do before the party on slips of paper and stuck them in a box. Carrie and I have spent all day pulling out jobs and getting them done – from organizing the mess of coats and shoes in the foyer to hanging pictures to cleaning off the cookbook stand. (One could argue that some of these jobs are not so necessary, but I’m tired of looking at the clutter!) It’s much more manageable to pull out a 10 or 15 minute chore from the box and do it than look over a very long list of tasks and try to decide which one you want to tackle first.

Unfortunately, now Carrie is a little taskmaster, as her very favorite part is pulling out another job to do!

Bathing Baby

When Carrie was too big for the baby bathtub, we switched to an inflatable duck tub. But now the girls get baths together, and that’s just not going to work with a giant inflatable tub taking up most of the bathtub. So we went out and bought a bath ring so Anna could safely sit up in the big tub and still have the freedom to splash and play. She adores baths now!


Just Another Lazy Thursday

Thursdays are the only day of the week where we have no morning plans – Carrie has dance at 4:30, but I avoid scheduling anything else for Thursdays. So we have our Thursday morning tradition: pancakes! It’s gotten so I can make pancakes without a recipe. Unfortunately, Anna is not quite old enough to eat pancakes, since they have eggs in them. And sometimes she gets up earlier than Carrie, and is just about ready for a nap while I’m making pancakes…


There’s a lot more time to fill up on Thursdays, so we do things like color, play with Little People, and play in boxes:


Next year, when Carrie’s in Kindergarten and riding the bus, we’re not going to have our lazy Thursday mornings, so we make sure to enjoy each one thoroughly! (Every now and then we do get dressed before lunch…)