Today was Carolyn’s last day of preschool:
They had a little graduation ceremony for the kids. It was so cute! I was worried I would cry, but the only thing that made me even tear up a little was watching Carrie and her close friends walking up to receive their “diplomas” and picturing how they would walk across the stage 13 years from now. One of them I can just picture skipping across the stage in her cap and gown, just like she did this morning. And poor Carrie nearly fell on the little stairs they had, because – as she put it – “The stairs are a little big, and so are my new white dressy shoes!”

I don’t know about Carrie, but I’m going to miss preschool:
I loved her teachers, both years. The teachers at this school are all excellent, and I’m looking forward to seeing them all again when Anna’s a bit older. And this year I really looked forward to drop-off and pick-up, as I made friends with several other moms. Even though I’m sure we’ll be getting the kids (and ourselves!) together this summer, I’ll miss seeing them every other day!
Next stop: kindergarten!