Big Girl Eyes and Baby Girl Toes

Carrie woke up with her eyes “glued” shut with gunk this morning.  The pediatrician thankfully has walk-in hours, and she has a mild case of conjunctivitis…aka pink eye.  Sigh.  We skipped dance this afternoon, even though the pediatrician thought it would probably be fine, because I’d feel terrible if any of the other kids came down with it any closer to the recital.  But since we got four doses of drops in her eyes today, she should be good to go for school tomorrow.

Anyway, we spent the afternoon playing outside instead – well, Carrie played, Anna hung out in her stroller, and I played with camera lenses again.  Baby toes look really adorable in the sun!


And big girls look adorable in the green, green grass!


I really wish I could take photos this good on purpose, but luckily since I have a digital camera I can take as many as I want to increase the chances that I’ll get a few winners!