Kindergarten Orientation

So after sitting in the auditorium for two hours this evening, Denis and I are pretty firmly convinced that it’s not the bus that worries us, or the lunchroom, or which teacher she’ll get.  No, we’re actually scared of the other kindergarten parents…  Oh, and the cafeteria lady, who when asked about nutrition in the school lunches, declared that they don’t use whole wheat bread because “we don’t know of any children who eat whole wheat bread”.  Uh.  I actually know more children who exclusively eat whole wheat bread – including my own – than don’t, but whatever.

We’re definitely going to try to get Carrie into the multiage program.  It seems like it would be a really ideal placement for her.  But we won’t know until August, when they notify everyone of the teachers they have, whether she’ll be in it.  Either way, though, I think she’ll really enjoy school.

In other news, Miss Screamsalot did *not* like being left with my parents this evening and screamed non-stop unless my dad held her.  The kicker was, he couldn’t sit down while holding her.  So my poor dad walked Anna around the house for over two hours…and she finally fell asleep on his shoulder five minutes before we pulled into the driveway.  I’m going to guess that we won’t be getting any more babysitting out of my parents for quite a while!  (So much for that new Star Trek movie…)