Kindergarten Screening

Carrie had her kindergarten screening this morning.  The teacher should have realized she had her hands full when she said something along the lines of “oh, goody, I get to test a four year old” and Carrie piped up with “actually, I’m four-and-a-half now!”

I couldn’t see most of what was going on, but I could hear a lot of it.  It was all I could do not to laugh out loud at some of the things coming out of my child’s mouth!

Highlights of the test:

After Carrie correctly identified her heel, the teacher asked, “Who taught you all of these things?” and Carrie replied, “My imaginary friend!”

At one point the teacher asked Carrie to hop on one foot, and then to walk in a straight line, heel to toe.  Carrie said, “Oh!  Like walking on a tightrope!  I learned how to do that from JoJo’s Circus, and I know a whole song about it: ‘Balance, balance, use your balance, arms out wide and use your balance.'”

The teacher handed Carrie a book (My Little Cat) and asked her to demonstrate how the teacher would read the book.  So Carrie flipped it over so it was oriented correctly and read it front to back (it had all of maybe 20 unique words in it) and the teacher said, “Your imaginary friend taught you to read very well!”  Carrie’s reply?  “No, that was my mommy!”

After the screening was over, the teacher came back out to meet me and said that Carrie is so ready for school she should already be there.  Tell me something I don’t know!  I just hope she doesn’t wind up with a teacher who underestimates her because of her birthday…

Baby’s First Toothbrush

Now that she has two teeth, it’s time to start introducing Anna to the wonders of toothbrushing.  Carrie was so excited about Anna getting to brush her teeth that she wanted to be the first one to do it.

So she was.20090502_toothbrushing

Anna really likes this new chewy thing…20090502_toothbrushing120090502_toothbrushing220090502_toothbrushing3