Today was Anna’s first first birthday party, the family party. There were 25 people (I think?) but it seemed much busier than the (much bigger) party we had for Carrie’s first birthday because this time around there were 8 kids under 10. That’s a lot of busy little creatures running around the house. And I do mean the house, because there was an absolute torrential downpour for most of the afternoon. Luckily, it cleared up not long after we had cake, so all the cousins took a dip in the (extremely chilly) pool and burnt off some of that excess energy.
We did a monkey/luau theme… See, Anna is our “Anna Banana”, but I didn’t want to make her a banana-shaped (or flavored) cake, so I thought a monkey would work instead. But I wanted to make it a girly monkey, so I settled on Hawaiian flowers to accomplish that. It’s not my best ever cake, but I do think it came out pretty cute!
Anyway, a good time was had by all, including the birthday girl who loved eating her very own chocolate cupcake:

More pictures here, for those who wish to sign in to view them.