Dear Anna,
Today you are fifteen months old, and what a big girl you’re becoming!
You are obsessed with Signing Time. Truly, truly obsessed. Every morning, the minute we come in from putting your sister on the bus, you ask for Signing Time. Every morning, I give in, so I can drink my coffee and eat my breakfast in peace! Because of your obsession, however, you have a lot of new signs that you’ve picked up and regularly use: “baby”, “signing time”, “hat”, “penguin”, “mouse”, “cookie”, “daddy”, “pear”, “bird”, “bear”, “doll”, “yellow”, “shoes”, “stars”.
You also have quite a few new verbal words: “apple”, “boo!”, “bye-bye”, “Signing Time” (more like “dih-dih-dah!”), “pasta”, “cheese”, “Poppy”, “hi”, “dog”. You shake your head “no” a lot in response to things, and it’s really adorable because your hair swirls around your head with a life of it’s own. When your words fail you, you’ve figured out how to point to an item you want, and then point to yourself to indicate that you want it. In short, you’ve got the communication thing down pat, and you’re just working on adding to your vocabulary.

You’ve figured out how to stand back up in the middle of the floor by yourself, without pulling up on anything. Pair that with your walking and climbing skills, and it can mean nothing but trouble for me! No rest for the weary, right?
Every month brings such big changes, and every month you get cuter and sweeter. I love being your mama!
Love, Mommy