Father Daughter Dance

Every year, the primary school holds a father daughter spring dance.  Usually it starts in 1st grade, but the youngers in the K/1 class are also invited.

It sounds like everyone had a good time, though from the video snippets that Denis took it really looks like the girls were all doing line dances while the dads stood around the edges of the gym looking vaguely uncomfortable and bored…

But hey, at least Carrie got to wear her flower girl dress a second time!

Oh!  And we got a note home today about a multiage play coming up in a little over a week.  Carrie is playing the lamb in “Mary Had a Little Lamb” (the play is a collection of Mother Goose rhymes) and I have to make a costume.  So the knitter’s daughter is going to be a lamb and needs a costume…no pressure…

22 Months Old!

Dear Anna,

Today you are 22 months old. Two more months before you turn two – and the time is just flying by. I think I’d better start planning your birthday party soon!


This month I’ve been astounded by the things you’ve started doing. All of a sudden you’re counting…all the way up to eleven. (Well, sometimes to twelve, but you seem to prefer stopping at eleven. And you say that word with such satisfaction, like it feels good rolling off your tongue!) I should probably be ashamed to admit that we discovered you could count while I was counting to three to get your sister to do something. I said “one” and you immediately shouted “two!” and went on from there…I will admit, it diffused whatever tense moment your sister and I were having, when we looked at each other and laughed at your newly discovered talent!


You also are trying your hardest to tell us knock-knock jokes. You get all the way to the punch line, and then don’t quite make it, but you have the format down – both telling the joke and being the “who’s there” part. The not-so-cute bit is when both you and your sister are trying to shout each other out to get your own knock-knock in first. I bet our next long car ride will be…interesting.


You sing, too. Oh, how you sing. You break out in songs I didn’t even know you’d ever heard, or if you have it was months ago. You love to sit at the piano and sing the alphabet song – just a month ago, it was “a, b, c, d, broccolis are me”, but now you’ve got it nearly right except right around the “l, m, n, o, p” bit and at the end when you sing “w, v, x and y” – and you plunk notes out one by one. I’m half convinced you’re going to figure out the right notes to play all on your own one of these days.


And even though I understand that second children do things earlier than the first…you have hit the three-year-old “why” phase at the tender age of not-quite-two. You ask me a question, I give you an answer, and then you ask “why?” And then I answer the why bit. And then a minute later, you ask me the same question, I give you the same answer, and, once again, you ask “why?” We have these conversations several times a day now.


You finally have 16 teeth, so I think we might get a break from teething for a bit until you have to cut those big back molars. Now, though, I’m beginning to suspect you’re having nightmares. Not every night, but sometimes you wake up and start sobbing my name as though you are terrified. Luckily, it’s not every night!


Just like your sister at this same age, you are becoming an amazing little girl – it’s so much fun to watch you grow and change!

Love, Mommy

Baby Roses

Inspired by a bouquet of baby socks Lisa made for me for my baby shower before Carrie was born, I made washcloth roses for a friend’s “sprinkle” shower this morning. I used these instructions, except I didn’t have any silk flowers to behead and use as stems, so I used some takeout chopsticks and wrapped them with floral tape. I think they came out super cute, and I can’t wait to be invited to another baby shower so I can make them again!


Mother’s Day

We woke up to snow (!) and some minor tree damage from the wind storm last night, and decided to ignore the downed limbs and head to Ithaca as planned.

Anna is finally old enough that I don’t have to be shadowing her every second in other people’s houses, and Denis took over most of the kid duties today to give me the day off anyway. So I got some knitting done with my mom, and visited with my grandparents, and it was an all-around nice way to spend the day.

Unfortunately, the kids were kind of not-so-well-behaved at Friendly’s on the way home…I’m glad we don’t live in Geneva. Hopefully they’ll forget about us before we’re back there again…

Dance Observation Day

We had our second dance observation of the year tonight. I’m really impressed with how much Carrie has learned over this year, and I think it’s amazing how her teacher has managed to take a dozen or so girls in the 4-7 year old range and teach them so much.


I’m so much happier with this studio than I was with our old one. The recital is 6 weeks away and we already have costumes, the dates and times for the pictures, rehearsal and recital, an instruction sheet about which costume pieces are to be worn for which numbers, details on when and where to be backstage for the rehearsal and recital, etc… Basically, all the information that none of us had last year until, well, never. I really can’t say enough good things about this dance studio and Carrie’s dance teacher!