Sunrise Lemonade

After the girls had played enough with the dyed pasta, we made Sunrise Lemonade (from Salad People.)

Lemonade essentials!

It was a pretty simple recipe (I had to make “simple syrup” – just a mix of equal parts sugar and water – before we started) and the manual juicer I bought worked really well (though the kids needed some help for that step!)

Mmmm. Fresh-squeezed lemon juice.
Lemon juice, simple syrup & water being stirred.
Add the frozen juice concentrate...

The verdict?  Lots of thumbs up, and requests to make it again very soon!

Everything's better through long twisty straws!

Then for dinner tonight (we were on a roll) we made Sweet Potato Surprise (also from Salad People) and Lollipop Chicken.  (That recipe was from a Parenting magazine at the dentist’s office this afternoon.  I shamelessly begged them to make a copy for me.)  The surprising bit was that my children ate dinner.  It’s amazing how calling something “lollipop chicken” and serving it on a stick makes it so much more appealing!

Macaroni Necklaces

We left the pasta to dry thoroughly overnight, and look how fabulous the colors turned out!

A rainbow of pasta.

I decided to use chenille stems (pipe cleaners, as they were known in my childhood) instead of yarn so we wouldn’t have to worry about using a yarn needle or anything to string the pasta shapes.

Intense concentration...
A yellow strand of pasta.
The pasta isn't so stinky today!
A pattern of rainbows!
The girls loved this project!  I’m wishing I had colored many other shapes of pasta while we were at it, I could see flatter shapes being a lot of fun to use in a gluing project.  We’ve seen how much my children enjoy glue!

Glamorous pasta fashions - the newest trend!