This week the theme is: Red, White & Blue. Of course!
We started out this morning picking black caps. My parents had a wild bunch start growing near their deck, and every year about this time they start getting ripe. They have to pack the most sweetness in the smallest berry space – they’re tiny, but so, so yummy. (Not quite blue. But they do stain red when squished!)

Then we spent the afternoon at my grandparents’ house. My great uncle lives next door and has a retired race horse living on his farm. Carolyn and Anna and their cousins Benny and Ryan wanted to go feed Brownie, so we walked over to the pasture and fed Brownie apples, carrots and many handfuls of tall grass. Poor Brownie probably had a stomachache after eating all that grass!

We decided Anna was not going to make it through a late night of fireworks, so Denis took Carolyn to see them while I’m at home with a sleeping kid and a neurotic dog who feels the need to growl and bark at every pop of a firecracker outside. It’s been a long evening…