I don’t, as a rule, buy bubble bath for the kids. As fun as it looks, in the Dora, Princess and My Little Pony flavors it comes in, it just dries out their skin and makes them itchy.

So today, we made our own! I came across this recipe, and believe it or not, we already had all of these things in the house. (Yes, including glycerin. I bought it to reactivate some Wilton colors but never used it.) I cut it in half because we only had 3 6oz travel bottles on hand to store the finished product in.

We had three essential oils: lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus. We made one of each, and the girls seemed to prefer the peppermint. The eucalyptus was a hard sell, but I told them we’d save it for cold season.

There was a bit leftover in our mixing bowl, so we added a couple more drops of peppermint and ran it with some warm water into a bigger bin so the kids could have a “hand bubble bath”. (I had an ulterior motive – Carolyn’s piano lesson is this afternoon and she had purple playdough stuck under her fingernails from earlier.)

Note that it doesn’t appear to be particularly bubbly, but the kids really like how it smells, so I think they’ll have fun putting it in their bath anyway!