To wrap up our “On the Farm” week, we made fingerprint corn.

This one was pretty simple. I cut vaguely corn-like shapes out of white paper, something resembling leaves from green paper, and put a dollop of yellow paint on a plate.

The girls had different ideas of how much painting to do, so Carolyn wound up making a solid yellow corn variety while Anna’s turned out bi-colored.

We had to wait for the ears of corn to dry, so we went out on the deck and shucked real corn for dinner.

Including the corn, nearly every part of dinner was from the farmer’s market: new potatoes, eggplant, red pepper and green beans. I love this time of year!

We had to wait until after dinner, there was so much paint on one of those ears of corn, but then we glued the ears of corn to a sheet of brown paper and glued the leaves on top. It doesn’t look quiteas delicious as the corn we had for dinner, but it’s pretty cute!