We are home! But we ended the trip with one last stop, at Hershey’s Chocolate World.

We took a fun trolley ride around the area, and learned a bit of the history behind the Hershey chocolate factory. The kids thought it was fun, especially when they periodically handed out bits of candy!

Then we went on the Great American Chocolate Tour. Anna loved this – in fact, we had to go on the “cow roller coaster” once more before we left, because she really, really loved it. (Luckily, it was free.)

Carolyn would have liked to create her own candy bar, but at $15 per person (and we all would have had to make our own, we couldn’t just all four go in and let Carolyn make one) we decided we could make candy at home. They even have “make your own candy bar” kits in the gift shop for a much more reasonable price.

Finally, we hit the road and drove straight home with just one stop for a quick dinner (we had to collect a couple more Smurfs from McDonald’s, of course). The drive was absolutely lovely – perfect scenery and perfect weather. Even the knock knock jokes were mostly tolerable:
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Interrupting smurf!
Interrupting smurf wh-
La, la, la la la la, la, la la la la!
(Yes, that’s the smurf theme. No, they’ve never seen the smurfs.)