Road trip time! We switched Anna forward facing a few weeks ago, and let me just say, it’s a trip listening to her narrate our drive now. “Daddy, red light! Green light, Daddy! Wait Daddy, the letters on the truck – go back so I can read the letters on the truck, Daddy!”
Anyway, we are in Lancaster, PA for a much-anticipated vacation. We spent a couple of hours at Dutch Wonderland this evening, which is a small theme park – especially compared to the other DW – but absolutely perfect for our two small girls. We were able to let them go on lots of rides all by themselves.

The only sad moment of the day was when I discovered that our trip on the log flume ride may have completely killed my ipod touch – aka, the kid entertainment unit, aka the only reason Anna behaves during Carolyn’s piano lessons. That was a harsh, harsh lesson to check the outer pockets of my bag before going on a potentially drenching ride or wandering through a rain storm. (The inside, where my camera lives, stayed perfectly dry, thankfully!) I’m holding out hope that some time drying out will somehow fix it.

Anyway, a good time was had by all, and the kids are *finally* asleep. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! Oh, and I’ll leave you with Anna’s very first made-up joke:
Why couldn’t the banana cross the store easily?
Because it wasn’t completely peeled!