Sorry if I just got that song stuck in your head! (But it’s been stuck in mine all afternoon, and my mother always taught me to share…)
So. One bottle of shaving cream (the foaming kind) + two cookie sheets + a handful of plastic frogs and lizards = some messy clean fun!

Anna at first said, “I don’t like this squishy!” but after a bit of encouragement got into it. Unfortunately, despite repeated reminders that it was shaving cream and not whipped cream, she eventually succumbed to the temptation to taste it. Raspberry scented shaving cream apparently tastes rather disappointing when you’re expecting whipped cream!

Carolyn, on the other hand, loved the experience and spent the entire hour I was prepping dinner squishing, molding, tracing, poking and patting the stuff. At one point I looked over and she had re-created the leaning tower of Pisa. She also made a volcano, and then a lake (for the frogs and lizards) and I think she was trying to make a raceway when I finally had to clear everything off the table for dinner.

So, shaving cream free play was (mostly) a hit here. I seriously doubt Anna will try to eat it again, and it was so ridiculously easy to clean up I’d be happy to let them play with it another time!