Tonight was the get acquainted/curriculum night for Carolyn’s 2/3 classroom. It was great to see what she’s been working on, and how her classroom works. All the kids have jobs, which they had to write a letter of application to get. Carolyn is one of the class librarians – which makes sense considering her love of reading! (My jaw dropped when I saw the collection of chapter books they have in the classroom. I thought we had a lot at home!)
The class ran through a mock morning meeting for us and then sang a song they had all written together. All in all, it seems like a really fun, dynamic classroom and the science units they’re going to be covering in the next few months sound really neat: magnets, electromagnets, electrical systems, the solar system, ecosystems, skeletal and circulatory systems…the theme this year is “Working Together”, to tie into all the systems!
I’m looking forward to another great couple of years of multi-age for Carolyn!