Dear Carolyn,
Today you are 7! It’s so hard to believe that – I know I say it every year, but I don’t have the slightest idea where the last year has gone…

It being Monday, you went to school today. Of course! And Anna and I brought cupcakes later for you to share. You created a fabulous poster of your favorite things to share with the class while you were in the “spotlight” during morning meeting. One of your teachers played guitar while the class sang “Happy Birthday” in Spanish, and then the “Nursury Rhyme Song”. What a wonderful way to celebrate at school!

After school you had your first piano lesson since school started. And then it was off to Denny’s for “breakfast for dinner”. Your choice, of course!

We wrapped up the evening with presents. Anna gave you a black Webkinz cat, and we gave you your very first musical instrument all your own: a 3/4 size steel string guitar. You are very excited to start learning how to play!

Let’s see…little factoids about your life right now… You still haven’t lost any teeth, but your two bottom middle teeth are so wiggly they can’t possibly hang on for too much longer! You love Phineas and Ferb, Inspector Gadget, every book you can get your hands on, playing computer, trying out musical instruments (harmonica is a current favorite) and helping cook things.

You are growing up and becoming a wonderful person, and I’m so excited to see what this next year brings!

Love, Mommy