Air Fuzzies

This morning, as I was brushing Carolyn’s hair, Anna was jumping from sunbeam to sunbeam in the hallway, clapping her hands as though to catch something in the air.  She had a look of absolute delight on her face.

Me: Anna, what are you doing??
Anna: I’m trying to catch the air fuzzies!

I like “air fuzzies” much more than “dust motes”.  It sounds less like I really need to vacuum.  ;)

Well, I’m Awake Now!

I just drove home from work, feeling rather tired and thinking I’d go to bed relatively early tonight.  As I passed the back entrance to the school campus, I had my eyes peeled since I’d seen deer on my way into work along this road.  Just before I reached the top of the hill, though, I heard sirens coming towards me on the other side of the road, and I pulled over immediately.

Up over the hill comes not one, not two, but three emergency vehicles, lights flashing, sirens wailing, horns blaring, and I thought perhaps Armageddon was starting.

Then came a school bus.

And another fire truck.

And dozens of cars flashing lights and honking horns.

Apparently, one of the high school sports team just won a major event tonight.  I’ve heard these escorts from afar (well, I live like two streets over from the school, so maybe not so far) but never actually seen one in progress.  It was overwhelming.

And so now I’m really wide awake.  Adrenalin sucks.  (And I didn’t see any deer, which is good, because I felt like a deer in headlights myself.)  Guess I’ll go find something good on TV and knit for a while…

Something’s Missing!

I had this feeling, this morning, that Carolyn’s tooth that had started being very slightly wiggly an entire year ago might not be around too much longer – it had become very, very wiggly in the past few weeks.  It even had an adult tooth coming up behind it already, because it was being so very stubborn about coming out!  So I took a picture, one last picture, of Carolyn’s adorable baby-toothed grin.

All 20 baby teeth, present and accounted for...

And sure enough, she got off the bus wearing a look of panic, because her tooth suddenly felt funny…

Such a tiny little thing!

And now there’s something missing!

There's a hole in that grin...and she suddenly looks older!


Raking Leaves

It’s pretty easy to get the girls on board with raking leaves when there’s a promise of jumping in the big pile at the end!

And now the payoff:

Anna in the leaves.
A shower of leaves!
Leaves in her hair...
Leaves, leaves, everywhere!

Brownie the Bear

Carolyn recently joined Girl Scouts – as a second grader, she’s a Brownie.  At her very first meeting, her name was drawn to bring Brownie the Bear home for a two-week visit.  Brownie leaves to visit someone else’s house tonight, so we thought we’d take a couple of pictures so we could remember her!

Brownie the Bear
Carolyn and Brownie