Creative Spelling

Seeing as one of her spelling words was “Easter”, we figured putting each spelling word in a plastic egg would be appropriate for her creative spelling assignment this week!

It was important that the eggs be opened in the correct order!
No jellybeans here, just slips of paper...

Happy First Day of Spring!

She clasped her hands for pure joy and looked up in the sky and it was so blue and pink and pearly and white and flooded with springtime light that she felt as if she must flute and sing aloud herself and knew that thrushes and robins and skylarks could not possibly help it.

― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Watch Out for Feet-Eating Monsters

It has been unseasonably warm here. Like, open all the windows, do we maybe want to consider the A/C…nah, not yet…, break out the shorts warm. But I’m not falling for it. I haven’t switched to our summer bedding, so for now the quilt stays on…and gets kicked off every night.

Well, Anna saw it on the floor this morning (no, I hadn’t quite managed to make my bed yet, the stinker gets up at the crack of dawn) and became quite concerned. She solemnly informed me that I had better put the quilt back on the bed tonight, because…

“If you don’t have your quilt on your bed, the monsters will eat your feet.”

Straight face, matter-of-fact tone…I’m not sure if she was serious, but man, she’s going to have a tough time when it gets too hot for her quilt every night if she was!

(Now tonight I’m going to wonder if there’s a feet-eating monster lurking under my bed.)