We’re not a kool-aid drinking family, but I’ve been collecting various flavors colors to use for homemade play-doh and (someday) yarn dyeing. And then I stumbled across an idea on Pinterest to use it to dye eggs!

We mixed each packet with 2/3 cup of water. I read somewhere that lemon didn’t really make a deep enough yellow, so we added a tiny bit of a packet of orange to the lemon. I probably should have measured so we could duplicate it next year!

We had some decent results – as good as or better than the egg dyeing kits – from most of the colors/flavors:

But we couldn’t quite manage purple. When we mixed tropical punch and berry blue, we just got a weird speckly brown. It’s quite possibly the ugliest dyed egg ever, honestly.

But other than the lack of purple, it was a pretty inexpensive and vibrant way to dye eggs, and I’d definitely do it again!
Also, I tried baking the eggs instead of boiling them, which worked out better than I expected. 325°F for 30 minutes, then an ice cold bath. There were a couple of brown spots under the shells after peeling, but they peel very easily. They also crack very easily when being transferred to the ice water. But 14 of the 18 survived the process intact, and the rest were yummy. :)