Two Wild Weeks

In the past two weeks, Matthew has figured out so many new things, it’s astounding.  He can crawl with his belly off the floor, he can get himself into a sitting position, he can pull up to kneeling and standing, and he’s starting to climb.  He’s started signing “milk”, “more”, “dog”, and “water”.  He’s also cut two teeth and last night?  Last night he slept ALL NIGHT LONG in his crib for the very first time ever – 8:30 PM to 6:17 AM.  I’m completely out of breath trying to keep up with all of his changes, but I am also almost completely rested for the first time since before he was born!

Tap, tap, tap….

Is this thing on?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Let me explain.  No, wait, there is too much.  Let me sum up.

Lots of everyday, crazy fun and messy life has happened in the past, oh, almost two years now.  I’m not really sure why I stopped blogging except that things got busy for a while, and then I fell out of the habit.  And then things got *really* busy again.  Because, well, this little man joined our family in August, 2013:

Matthew Denis, 4 days old

And nothing makes time shorter than a new baby – they grow and change so fast and the moments slip by even while you’re trying to hold them tight.  New babies completely rock your world.

Matthew @ 6 months - future rock star?

But then, while trying to remember when one of the girls started walking, I thought about my letters to them every month, and the posts I had written capturing all of those little moments that you promise yourself you’ll remember but you’re so busy and sleep deprived and distracted that you don’t.  And I realized that I want those for Matthew, too.  I’ve written some things down in other places, so I may post-date a few things so I can find them someday, but whether I get to those or not I’m going to work to keep things updated going forward.  Because you don’t get those moments back, but reading about them years later is almost as good.

So. Here’s to spring, a renewal of warmth, light, growing things…and blogging.

My three little leprechauns.