
Mark this date on the calendar. Matthew ate lasagna…

…and asked for seconds.

(Nearly 16 years of parenting has taught me that next time we have lasagna he will refuse to eat it and claim he’s never eaten it and that it will poison him. But today I will bask in the glory of everyone having eaten dinner without complaint.)

Recipe here, for posterity.

If it ain’t broke…

But it was. My whole site. And while I haven’t blogged in a while (yes, I know it’s been an embarrassingly long while, time is relative) this blog has so many sweet memories of my kids, and just life in general, that I couldn’t let it all be lost to the circular file of the internet.

So. Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to dust off 16 years of cobwebs from web and php programming knowledge? It’s hard. It almost broke my brain. But I fixed it. Kind of. Maybe it’s time for a fresh blog start?

Look, here’s a pretty salad to distract you from how long it’s been since I updated!