The $6,000,000 Toy

Or, why Sarah is no longer allowed to go to garage sales…

My Grandmother has been looking for a high chair, now that she has two great-grandchildren and a third on the way. She really wants a wooden one, but they are anything but cheap. So, we’ve all been on an unofficial mission to check out garage sales for used wooden high chairs. A few weeks ago, I found a garage sale where I was able to pick up this toy for $3. It’s the Neurosmith Music Blocks toy I saw in stores a few years ago for $60, thought it was very cool, but much too expensive (plus I didn’t have kids yet). We were assured that it still worked, but we figured for $3, even if it didn’t it wasn’t a big deal. After spending $5 on batteries (for a $3 toy), we found it did work.

Now, it came with an extra cartridge, and I started wondering where I could get more cartridges… Turns out Amazon had them on clearance, because the company is no longer in business. Perfect! $20 for two cartridges, $2 tax, plus $4 shipping. (For those of you keeping track at home, the $3 garage sale toy has turned into $34. So far.)

Then I did some reading. I knew when I picked up this toy that the target age range was 2 and up. Well. There was another product put out by this company for ages 6 months – 2 years that takes the same cartridges! What better way to get my money’s worth out of the cartridges than to get another toy that can use them?!? And so, I hunted around, found the Jumbo Music Block (on sale!) and ordered it. $40 for the toy, no shipping, but $3 tax. Hmm. Oh, and that one required batteries too, so add another $5.

So, all told, my $3 garage sale score turned into $82. This is why I will never be allowed to just “stop for a minute” at a garage sale again. (The bright side is, they are fantastic toys, which I think will provide hours worth of entertainment for the baby. Oh, and for us. They really are kind of addictive…)

One thought on “The $6,000,000 Toy

  • September 19, 2004 at 12:31 pm

    Hi Sarah,
    Geez, it’s been awhile since I’ve stopped by to chat with you. Sounds like you’ve been one busy bee, what with stopping “for just a minute” at garage sales, and all your knitting and crafting, to say nothing about getting ready for the Big Day!:<))
    The toys you got are so cool and I particularly like the music block…..the baby will love it too. Which reminds me, do you know what you’re having or will it be a surprise?
    My sweet daughter gave birth to her first child on Sept. 7, which was 3 weeks early. The baby was in the breech position so they did a C-section, but I’m happy to say that all went well! Christina Joy weighed in at 5 pds., 12 ozs., and was 19″ long. She is so beautiful—-naturally, LOL—-aren’t all newborns?
    I’ve been so busy with many knitting projects of my own but haven’t forgotten about you and I’m so glad you’re doing well and just about ready to deliver your sweet bundle of joy! :<)

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