Molly and Murphy would like to thank those who sponsored us for our Barktober Fest walk. It was a beautiful morning to walk, and we all had a really good time. We decided Carrie would have more fun riding in the wagon than walking (read that as: we would have more fun with Carrie strapped into the wagon than chasing her all over creation in a big crowd of people) so Denis walked both dogs and I dragged the wagon. I think Denis got the better end of that deal – my arm hurts!
Carrie learned a hard lesson about balloons today. She got a pretty blue balloon from someone dressed up as a squirrel (that must have been a hot costume to wear) and I did the sliding knot thing around her wrist. At some point when I was talking with someone I heard a little squeak, looked over and saw Carrie staring up at the sky, with the blue balloon getting smaller and smaller. I think it took her a few seconds to realize that the balloon was never coming back, and it was the longest, slowest, saddest pout you ever did see…which turned into a quivering lip, and then tears, and then all out sobs. I about cried along with her, it was so very sad to watch her lose her balloon forever.
Later on, the purple balloon she got from someone else was tied quite tightly to the seatbelt on the wagon! I have no idea how she got the ribbon off of her wrist in the first place, but I wasn’t taking any more chances.