The Countdown Begins…

There are only 24 crafting days left until Christmas, and I’m making a significant portion of our gifts to people this year. My gift list reads like the Twelve Days of Christmas song, in fact. Most things are at least started, but there are a couple of notable projects which aren’t yet. I’ve run into some snags with some of the projects as well.

Plus, I’m making Carrie’s Christmas dress – which I have yet to cut out the pattern pieces for, let alone actually pin and cut out the fabric. Mind you, this is the dress she will be wearing for the Christmas card photos. (At least the design for the cards is done, I just need to take the picture. Oh, and sew the dress.)

This all came about from a desire to simplify the holidays. Um. Right. Not exactly sure what I was thinking there. But “simple” is about as far along the other end of the spectrum as I could get right now. And we won’t even go into the fact that we’re celebrating a little early with some of our family, so there really aren’t 24 days left at all…