A Day In The Life

A few people (hopefully nobody who reads this blog) have suggested that as a stay-at-home mom, having all sorts of “free time”, I ought to be doing ______ (fill in the blank). I think they assume that I sit in front of the television and eat bon-bons all day. (Oh, wait, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing?) Anyway, after one such conversation, my self esteem plummeted, and I ate several Dove dark chocolate eggs while awaiting notification that I’d won the “World’s Worst Wife and Mother” award.

So, I decided to track a day in my life to see what I actually do. After seeing it all written down, I can’t imagine why I don’t have time to do the things various people think I ought to be doing. All sarcasm aside, if my parents didn’t live next door I’d be in very sorry shape right now.

If you want to see all the stuff I did today, read on…

1:27 AM: awaken to screaming baby. pick up baby. rock baby.
1:29 AM: give up and bring baby to bed.
4:52 AM: feed baby.
6:30 AM: wake up to alarm. transfer baby back to crib. take dogs out. feed dogs. check email.
7:10 AM: shower. dress. get laundry and trash together.
7:24 AM: take out trash. start laundry.
7:33 AM: pick up wakey baby. change diaper. feed baby.
8:05 AM: eat breakfast. play with baby.
8:53 AM: change diaper. feed baby. try to get baby to nap.
9:43 AM: finally get baby to sleep. move laundry. crochet in front of Tivo.
10:49 AM: pick up baby. change diaper. feed baby.
11:15 AM: baby needs another diaper change. (uh-oh. first dirty diaper in three days.)
11:17 AM: oh, sh*t, diaper leaked.
11:18 AM: worst. blowout. ever.
11:20 AM: give baby bath.
11:30 AM: dress baby. scrub onesie. change crib (puddles of spit-up). fold first load of baby laundry. start another load of baby laundry.
12:15 PM: play with baby.
1:00 PM: take dogs out.
1:05 PM: feed baby.
1:46 PM: try to transfer sleeping baby to crib.
1:47 PM: pick baby back up.
1:52 PM: eat lunch.
2:15 PM: make bottle.*
2:18 PM: play with baby.
2:45 PM: change diaper. take dogs out. take baby for walk around the block, end up at Grandma’s.
3:30 PM: attempt to get baby to take bottle.*
3:47 PM: try sippy cup.*
4:00 PM: give up and feed baby.
4:15 PM: put sleeping baby in pack & play at Grandma’s. go to Target to buy different bottles.*
5:27 PM: return to Grandma’s. play with baby.
6:30 PM: change diaper. feed baby.
6:45 PM: eat dinner (thank you, mom!)
7:00 PM: leave baby with Grandma. go home to feed and let out dogs. quickly wash and sterilize new bottles and pump.*
7:15 PM: head back to Grandma’s. play with baby. change diaper.
9:15 PM: return home. change diaper. change baby into pajamas. feed baby.
9:40 PM: take dogs out.
10:00 PM: pump. take milk out of freezer to thaw overnight.*
10:40 PM: blog. watch Tivo. attempt to stay awake.
11:15 PM: take dogs out. check on baby. get ready for bed.
11:23 PM: fall into bed. realize laundry isn’t folded. ignore until morning.

* Due to the show being so close and the rehearsals getting longer, I needed to leave a bottle with my parents last night for Carrie. She refused it. She’s taken bottles before, so I thought it was a fluke. Nope – she wouldn’t take it today, either. Hopefully she’ll take the new bottle tomorrow night, or she’s going to have to go 6 hours until I get home.

3 thoughts on “A Day In The Life

  • March 23, 2005 at 2:01 am

    I had someone call me to do a big volunteer job when my boys were little. She said they were asking stay at home moms because they had so much more time. Guess whether I helped at all??? People were forever asking me if I was bored. As soon as they entered kindergarden, they asked when I was going back to work, now that they didn’t “need” me all the time anymore. When monkeys fly out of my butt, that’s when!

  • March 23, 2005 at 7:44 am

    But at least you have the cutest baby in the world to play with!
    My mum was a stay at home mum, and I can really appreciate the extra time I got to spend with her. In this day and age, not many people can afford to be stay at homes, so I think you’re doing a great job. I’m sure Caroline will remember it and cherish the closer relationship she’ll have with you.

  • March 24, 2005 at 7:44 pm

    Free time? Is that some kind of joke? Are they insane? When I was a stay at home mom there were days that I didn’t have time to take a shower and usually ate cheerios because they didn’t involve cooking time. I remember when I went back to work it was so nice to be able to rest. Yes, I went back to work so that I could rest.

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