
Well, I did get everything done – although, not without some problems. (Remind me to tell you about my felting disaster when I get back!)

There’s lots of other stuff I didn’t have time to write about, including the fact that Murphy’s 1-year-adoption anniversary was March 1st. (I didn’t forget, really, I just forgot to post about it!)

Also, a little housekeeping. If you’ve tried to comment in the past couple of days, you’ve probably noticed that you can’t. This is intentional. I occasionally get massive amounts of comment spam in a day, and I really don’t want that sort of thing hanging around for the whole time I’m gone. I’ll miss all the good comments, but I feel very strongly about not having my blog littered with inappropriate comments… Don’t worry, though, as soon as I get back and have constant access to my email I’ll turn them back on!

If I get a chance, I’ll try to blog from Italy, otherwise, I’ll be back in a week! Arrivederci!