Odd Conversation

Carrie: “Mommy, did you know that a long time ago…before Anna was born, before I was born, before you were born, before Daddy was born, before Nana and Poppy were born, before Grandma and Grandpa were born, before Big Grandma and Big Grandpa before, before Great-Gramie and Great-Grampa were born…  Did you know, that people thought earwigs got their name because they /crawled in peoples’ *ears*/?!?”

Me: “Um.  No, I didn’t know that.  Do they?”

Carrie: “No, that’s just what people thought a long time ago.  Also, they have thin front wings that fold underneath their thick back wings!”

Me: “Alrighty then.  I didn’t know that either.  Why have you been learning about earwigs?”

Carrie: “Because, *I* sit at the *earwig* table in my school!”

Me: “….”

(Keep in mind that this is the child who is terrified of pretty much every bug except ladybugs and butterflies.  And all of a sudden she is excited about earwigs…)