Veteritarian’s Day

The other morning, Carrie piped up with, “Mommy, we made cards for the vegetarian in our class!”

Me: ….???…. You have a vegetarian in your class? Who is it? Are they sick?
Carrie: No, Mommy, the vegetarian. You know?
Me: Um, you mean a “vegan”?
Carrie: No. Maybe it’s not the right word. There’s a day for it, Vegetarian’s Day.
Me: (at this point I’m struggling not to laugh out loud) Oh! You mean you made cards for a veteran??
Carrie: Yeah, that’s it! For Veteritarian’s Day!
Denis and I then tried to explain to her what a veteran is, but I don’t think it quite sank in. I think she thinks there’s a day to celebrate not eating meat. Or possibly for being a veterinarian. Sigh.

So, Happy Veteritarian’s Day!