Switch Day!

If all goes well, by the end of today I will no longer be held captive by my current evil cell phone company. And I’ll get to keep the number I’ve had for the past 6 years!

I’ve got my plan and my phone picked out. I was briefly tempted by the camera phone, but…I just can’t see myself being happy with such low-res pictures, especially since it (obviously) doesn’t have a flash. Besides, Denis and I getting the same model phone means we can share car chargers, batteries and desk chargers…which is a big deal, not to need two car chargers in each car (believe me, this has been a problem, switching cars, forgetting to switch the chargers, needing to make a call on a dying cell phone…and not being able to plug it in.)

The only catch might be if they can’t promise the switch will be completed by tomorrow afternoon – we’re headed out-of-town, and it’s not a good idea to drive 300+ miles without a cell phone. But taking the new service along for the trip would be a good way to test-drive the coverage along our normal route, so hopefully this will all work out.