How can it possibly be

How can it possibly be Monday already? I spent almost the entire weekend working on my master’s project. As a result, I have absolutely no desire to be looking at a computer screen today, but unfortunately, that’s my job. :P At least I got a lot done. I’m planning on doing a demo for my advisor tomorrow, so I wanted to have it as polished as possible by then. There’s still a lot of work to do, but what’s there is really starting to look great!

In between bouts of frantic coding, we played a couple of games of Iron Dragon. It’s this really fun railroad game where you draw with crayons on a laminated board and go from city to city picking up and dropping off stuff. I lost both times, but it was still fun. Crayons are definitely a great break from the keyboard! Maybe I should buy a box for the office so I can color for a bit when I get tired of staring at the monitor…