I Hate Shoe Shopping…

Among many other things, one of the apparently permanent changes pregnancy has left me with is bigger feet. Not wider feet, mind you, but longer feet. How this happened, I have no idea. All I know is, none of my old footwear fits anymore, including the brand new pair of boots I bought last winter. Ask me how I found this out. Go ahead, ask.

Yeah, see, it snowed today. Real snow, that stuck to the ground. And I thought, well, boots are always a bit big, right? So they should still fit, they just won’t be as big. Nuh-uh. The walk to and from the mailbox at the end of my driveway was rather painful. But my choices are those or the Birkenstock clogs I bought while I was pregnant and desperate for footwear – unfortunately, those won’t work for the snow.

So guess who’s going boot shopping this week? I hate shoe shopping almost as much as I hate bra shopping. Both leave me thinking mean and evil thoughts about the people who design these things – obviously not women – and feeling quite awful about myself, because I can never find anything that fits.

2 thoughts on “I Hate Shoe Shopping…

  • December 7, 2004 at 7:31 am

    I have a feeling my shape had changed too; so far my shoes still fit but my body shape is a little different. Granted, I still have about 15 pounds to go (belly jiggle, butt, thighs) but I now have two hips (my left one used to be flat). In a way, I’m quite happy – shopping spree!! – but then again, money will be required for the new wardrobe.
    I can’t imagine having to replace my clothes (the tops should still be okay) AND all my shoes. Sucks. I hope you find something you like!

  • December 7, 2004 at 12:08 pm

    Same thing happened to me. I’ve gained 1/2 size. But not in all shoes. More so in dressy shoes, as opposed to hiking boots or sneakers.

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