Even big, grown-up kindergartners still get to wear PJs to school!

And on a half-day, of course, so we had to go out to lunch after. With Carrie still in PJs. Surprisingly few people gave us strange looks…
Even big, grown-up kindergartners still get to wear PJs to school!
And on a half-day, of course, so we had to go out to lunch after. With Carrie still in PJs. Surprisingly few people gave us strange looks…
There was still snow on the ground, but it was so warm yesterday afternoon that the girls wanted to play with chalk.
It might not have been short-sleeves warm, but Carrie insisted…
Anna and I took a walk this morning to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Every few steps she’d say “look!” and point to something. “Look, snow!” “Look! Dir-tee snow!” “Look! Trees!” “Look, mom-ee, look!”
And every puddle in the drainage ditch: “Look, fishy, look, Nemo!” (I didn’t see any fish, but maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough!)
My favorite comment, though, was “Look! Sill-ee!” When I asked her what was so silly, she said “the bird-ee!” and pointed to a fat little robin hopping around on the grass.
Who knew there was so much to look at in a quarter mile of suburbia?
Finally, nearly two years after we had the bathtub replaced, I’ve gotten around to redecorating the room. Carrie wanted a pink bathroom, and I found an awesome pink, white and chocolate brown striped shower curtain, so we went with pink.
I’m not 100% thrilled with my painting job, but I am thrilled with overall effect. I really love the crisp white towels against the dark pink walls, although Carrie would far prefer pink towels! I still have to figure out what to do for curtains or blinds, but other than that the room is done.
Of course, now the nicest room in the house is the bathroom…which is kind of pathetic!
It’s warm. And snowmen don’t like warm so much…this picture was taken shortly before our snowman lost his head. Poor snowman!
It’s a bit warmer in the mornings now when we go out to wait for the bus, so I’ve been putting Anna in her coat and boots so she can come out with us to wait. And then we go right back out in the afternoon to catch the bus home, and play a bit after that. The girls love playing in the snow! I think maybe next winter I should find myself some snowpants, though…
A conversation with Anna…
Anna: Say, “‘appy”!
Me: Say “happy”?
Anna: Say, “app-oh joose”.
Me: …apple juice?
Anna: Say, “app-oh”!
Me: Apple!
Anna: Say, “da-da!
Me: Da-da!
Anna: (giggling madly)
Me: Say, “belly button”!
Anna: (looks at me like I’ve lost my mind)
(Apparently, I misunderstood the nature of the game.)
Carrie and I built our first snowman of the season today after school.
Carrot nose, almond eyes and mouth – the local critters are going to have a feast tonight!
The sweater is done! Look:
I can’t believe I knit a whole sweater in 17 days, that not only fits but looks really great on me too. :)
And another first: Carrie’s first snow day off from school. Between a superintendent’s day, the trip, February break, the past three days when she’s been out sick, and today’s snow day, she’s attended school for 6 days in February. (To be fair, there have only been 13 days when school was actually in session, but still…)
And although I appreciate not having to listen to a long list of school closings on the radio, why does the automated call notifying the parents of a snow day happen at 5:56 AM? The bus doesn’t come until 8:30, surely they could have waited until 7 or so before ringing the phone?