
20100115_sledSo, if the sled is for ages 6+, and there’s a 5 year old and a 1.5 year old sitting on it, that’s OK, right?  (Don’t bother reporting me, there was maybe an inch of snow and no hill – not much danger there.)

Oh!  And this was taken with my second attempt at a new camera.  Much better.

First Haircut

I love Anna’s hair, but she was sporting a little baby mullet because she never lost all of her original hair in the back, it’s just been growing non-stop since she was born.  There were long bits that when wet and straight would hang halfway down her back, but only a few curls were long and it looked kind of funny.  So I brought her in today for her first haircut.  She calmly sat in the chair and watched the TV in the room while the stylist evened things up.  It looks so cute!20100114_haircut120100114_haircut220100114_haircut3

Eighteen Months Old!

Dear Anna,

Today you are eighteen months old.  That’s a year and a half – we’re halfway to two already since your birthday, which doesn’t seem like it was all that long ago! You have 10 teeth now: two of your molars have poked through.  Hey, if you get a couple more teeth in soon I might not need to cut your food into such teeny-tiny pieces anymore!

Your favorite words and your obsessions are one and the same.  You love Dora.  I cannot stress this enough; love may not even be a strong enough word.  Dora, Boots, Backpack…they’re practically all you talk about.  Also, Elmo.  I really, truly don’t understand the appeal, but you do love that furry red squeaky monster.  Sigh.  It causes you fits of baby rage that I won’t let you watch unlimited amounts of Dora and Sesame Street daily, but as I’ve already told you many, many times, I’m the meanest Mommy you’re ever going to have, so you’ll just have to learn to deal with it.

When you’re not begging for “mo’ Do-la”, you’ve been enjoying playing with the Potato Head set you got for Christmas, and stacking things like blocks and cups.  You also really love to color, although you have the words crayon and paper mixed up for some reason.  The other day I got out the sticker box, and you and Carrie spent the better part of an hour sticking stickers all over construction paper.  Somehow it didn’t seem to make a dent in the sticker collection, either…

You’re still napping and sleeping well, and are especially loving the new toddler pillow you got for Christmas.  It has monkeys, stars and moons on it.  As long as you have your pillow, your blanket, your quilt, your dolly, your baby, your Minnie, your aquarium, and your lullaby CD, you are all set at night.

So.  You’re eighteen months old now.  Which means, you are a Big Girl.  And Big Girls don’t sit in a high chair anymore.  Big Girls also will not be carried up or down stairs, will not be fed by anyone else in any manner, and must be treated equally to the big sister.  I had forgotten how interesting eighteen months could be.  Luckily, Big Girls are also sweet and funny and adorable, so I think we’ll both survive.  At least until nineteen months, anyway!

Love, Mommy


The indoor soccer session was very strange with all the holidays – we had a two week break and the last class was tonight.  Carrie really loves soccer.  I think I may try to find a summer soccer league for her this year!

New Camera…?

I’ve been having trouble with my trusty old Kodak EasyShare point & shoot camera – the lens cover doesn’t retract all the way anymore.  I use it a lot, mostly when my Canon dSLR is too much to carry around, and since we’re headed to Disney in a couple of weeks I figured it would be a good idea to replace it before then.

I bought a new camera today, but for various reasons I think I may have chosen poorly.  I’ll give it a few more days to see if it’s a learning curve issue.  I hope I just haven’t found the right settings to get decent pictures out of it yet…though as far as I can tell there really aren’t that many settings to change…

I think maybe I’m just spoiled by my dSLR.

Happy New Year!

Be it hereby resolved that:
1. I will finish more projects than I start this year.  And “finish” can mean actually completing the project, ripping it out, or dropping the half finished parts off to Craft Bits & Pieces.
2. I will declutter my house.  I am tired of living with all of this stuff.  If someone came through my house while I was gone and cleared away 95% of the stuff, I wouldn’t miss it, so I ought to be able to get rid of it myself.

Gingerbread Village

Carrie, Uncle Michael and I decorated a whole gingerbread village yesterday.  It’s a *lot* more work putting together and decorating five tiny houses than one big one!gingerbread_village1gingerbread_village2
Good thing Carrie has teeny-tiny fingers, because Michael and I couldn’t manage the teeny-tiny candies they included in the kit – they were practically sprinkles. I think “candy” is a very misleading name for those little bitty things.  Tweezers might have helped!20091225_gingerbread