Except for the bit right after school started and we got a little thrown for a loop with getting used to getting off the bus and needing a snack and some downtime, we’d been going to the farmer’s market almost every Wednesday. This week was the last week, and all the vendors had treats to hand out to the kids who came in costume. So I dressed the girls up and they went and visited everyone and got their candy, apples and mini pumpkins.
Don’t they look adorable?
Author: Sarah
Fifteen Months Old!
Dear Anna,
Today you are fifteen months old, and what a big girl you’re becoming!
You are obsessed with Signing Time. Truly, truly obsessed. Every morning, the minute we come in from putting your sister on the bus, you ask for Signing Time. Every morning, I give in, so I can drink my coffee and eat my breakfast in peace! Because of your obsession, however, you have a lot of new signs that you’ve picked up and regularly use: “baby”, “signing time”, “hat”, “penguin”, “mouse”, “cookie”, “daddy”, “pear”, “bird”, “bear”, “doll”, “yellow”, “shoes”, “stars”.
You also have quite a few new verbal words: “apple”, “boo!”, “bye-bye”, “Signing Time” (more like “dih-dih-dah!”), “pasta”, “cheese”, “Poppy”, “hi”, “dog”. You shake your head “no” a lot in response to things, and it’s really adorable because your hair swirls around your head with a life of it’s own. When your words fail you, you’ve figured out how to point to an item you want, and then point to yourself to indicate that you want it. In short, you’ve got the communication thing down pat, and you’re just working on adding to your vocabulary.

You’ve figured out how to stand back up in the middle of the floor by yourself, without pulling up on anything. Pair that with your walking and climbing skills, and it can mean nothing but trouble for me! No rest for the weary, right?
Every month brings such big changes, and every month you get cuter and sweeter. I love being your mama!
Love, Mommy
NYC Long Weekend
We’re here in NYC for a quick visit since Carrie has Monday off. Yesterday we went to Elizabeth & Michelle’s school fall festival, and Carrie got to paint a pumpkin, bounce in a bunch of inflatable bouncy things, and get her face painted
We had dinner with the whole big family, and the cousins all had a great time playing together. Today we just sort of hung out. The girls mostly played inside and out with Nana, while Poppy, Denis and I watched football and knit. (Well, OK, I was the only one knitting.) And tomorrow morning we’re going to get up reeeeally early to get on the road and beat the rush.
Picture Day
Carrie is having her first school picture taken today. I’m slightly concerned that she may have listened to the Junie B. Jones story about “The Cheese Man” a few too many times and may do a crazy face on purpose. It will match her crazy outfit, however, since she insisted on wearing her brown dress with the orange, yellow, pink and burgundy polka-dots. And she insisted she wanted the bright green backdrop. To be fair, all of the backdrops were ugly – whatever happened to the sky blue backdrop we had when I was a kid?
We’re just ordering the image file on CD. This way if it comes out truly awful we don’t have to share it with anyone!
Touch Typing
Well, it’s probably not practical for long posts, but I’m writing this from my new iPod Touch… Pretty nifty!
A-Calling We Will Go
Anna got ahold of my cell phone today while we were at the shop and I was helping a customer. I noticed her with it and heard a few beeps, and when I took it away from her there was a text message with my balance on it. I don’t have a text message plan, so that’s going to cost 15¢ or however much. But it got even funnier ten minutes later:
Ring, ring…
me: “Hello?”
Denis: “What’s up?”
me: “I don’t know, you called me – what’s up?”
Denis: “No…I’m returning your call. You called me a little while ago.”
me: “…uh, when exactly?”
Denis: “A little after one.”
me: “Well, apparently your baby wanted to talk to you, because *she* dialed the phone!”
So in the space of a couple of minutes my 14 month old managed to check the balance on my phone and call her father. I’d better hide the credit cards!
Things that make you go “awww”…
Anna managed to pinch her little fingers in the play kitchen cabinet, which caused a few tears. Before I could even get to her, Carrie was right there, kneeling in front of her and hugging her, saying “It’s OK, baby, you’re OK.” Anna hugged Carrie right back and cried into her shoulder. It was the sweetest, saddest moment – and it was truly fleeting, as just another moment later they were happily playing together with chef hats on and pots and pans banging.
Fiber Loot
The fiber arts festival this year was great! I bought some lovely goodies. Top row: a small quilted tote for a small project, a car magnet and a sheep earflap hat kit from Bitsy Knits in purple, green and white. Middle row: sock yarn that I couldn’t resist (also from Bitsy Knits), 4 oz. of 50/50 alpaca wool that Carrie was admiring, a shawl pin with sheep, spinning wheel and yarn basket charms, and a spinner’s control gauge. Bottom row: three 4 oz. bumps of Spinning Bunny panda roving (wool/bamboo/nylon) and two little bunny ornaments from High Bid Farm.
Odd Conversation
Carrie: “Mommy, did you know that a long time ago…before Anna was born, before I was born, before you were born, before Daddy was born, before Nana and Poppy were born, before Grandma and Grandpa were born, before Big Grandma and Big Grandpa before, before Great-Gramie and Great-Grampa were born… Did you know, that people thought earwigs got their name because they /crawled in peoples’ *ears*/?!?”
Me: “Um. No, I didn’t know that. Do they?”
Carrie: “No, that’s just what people thought a long time ago. Also, they have thin front wings that fold underneath their thick back wings!”
Me: “Alrighty then. I didn’t know that either. Why have you been learning about earwigs?”
Carrie: “Because, *I* sit at the *earwig* table in my school!”
Me: “….”
(Keep in mind that this is the child who is terrified of pretty much every bug except ladybugs and butterflies. And all of a sudden she is excited about earwigs…)
Anna adores seeing her big sister off on the bus, and will wave and say “buh-buh!” after the bus pulls away.
But even more adorable is watching her reaction in the afternoon when she sees the bus coming down the street. Her little legs start kicking and she squeals with laughter. It makes my heart melt.