Dear Carolyn,
You’ve been out of school for nearly a month – this summer is already flying by! I’m afraid I’m going to blink and you’ll be on the bus for kindergarten!

So far we’re having a pretty low-key summer. I’m almost embarrassed to admit that our daily morning argument typically centers around whether you can watch TV before breakfast. I think you’ve figured out that if you ask before I have my coffee, the answer will almost always be “yes”. One of our biggest issues right now is just exactly how independent you are with the TV. You’d gladly watch TV all day long if I didn’t hide the remotes away after a while! In case you were wondering, your current favorites are Dragon Tales, Word Girl, Handy Manny and Go Diego, Go.

I figured something out the other day. You’re shy. You do your best to act as though you’re not, but that completely out-of-control crazy act you do when you meet new people or encounter strangers? That’s really your way of covering up the fact that you’re not sure how to act. Unfortunately, I’ve figured it out, but I’m not quite sure how to fix it. Because, it’s OK to be silly sometimes, but it’s not so great when you look (and typically act) so much older than you are…and then turn into a crazy monkey when someone you don’t know pays attention to you. So this month I’m going to try to help you figure out what to do in these situations (even if it’s to tug on my pant leg and whisper “Mommy, I’m nervous”) so you’ll have an easier time making new friends in the fall.

We’ve been cooped up a lot this month – it’s rained a lot more than usual, practically every day, so we haven’t been outside so much. We’re all a little tired of being in the house. But hopefully nicer weather is on the way, and we’ll be able to enjoy some summer before you head off to your first year of school!
Love, Mommy