Here’s my cutie pie in the apple dress that was a gift from my fabulous doula Kim. When she gave it to me, it was a huge 12 month size dress, now it’s a perfect fit!
Author: Sarah
Nine Months Old!
Dear Anna,
Yesterday you turned 9 months old. As it was Easter Sunday we didn’t get a chance to take your monthly pictures, so we did them today. I can’t believe how quickly this first year is going by!
This has been an amazing month for you! Last month you could sit up if we put you in a sitting position. Now you can get yourself there. And you pull up to your knees so you can play with things while kneeling – that’s a lot more fun than playing with things laying down! You can even stand for a bit while holding on to a piece of furniture or someones hands, and at least a few times you’ve actually gotten up on your feet yourself. And you are an amazingly fast crawler – I can’t take my eyes off you for two seconds or you’re out the door of whatever room we’re in!
You’ve tried many new foods this month, including broccoli, chicken, blueberries, eggs (“hidden” in pancakes and muffins), zucchini, spinach, kale, olives, fish, green beans, cookies (G.G.’s sugar cookies), egg yolk, ham and cantelope. You have continued to only eat table food, and have expanded your repetoire to include things like ravioli and chicken noodle soup. You even eat “real” slow-cooked oatmeal, and drink out of a straw cup.
Yesterday you signed “help”. I’ve been sort of inconsistently signing lots of different words, so I’m surprised you’ve picked anything up besides “more” and “milk”. But you had dropped the toys you were playing with while you were sitting on Grandma’s lap, and you clearly signed “help” – one day last week I had signed it to you in a similar context, and not before or since. I think I’m going to have to start getting more consistent, because I would love to know what else is going on under all that hair!
The babbling continues, and you’re starting to jargon a bit – babble like you’re carrying on a conversation. You don’t really say “mama” or “dada” yet, although you do say “dadada?” and laugh when I say “daddy is at work”.
See? An amazing month. Every day it seems like you’re on the verge of a new skill or a new discovery. I can’t wait to see what this next month brings!
Love, Mommy
9 month well-baby visit
Vital stats:
9 months, 1 day old
18 lbs, 7 oz
27.5 inches
Anna is now in the 50th percentile for height and weight. A little less than last time, but pretty much exactly average. She’s mostly out of 6-9 month clothes, and some 9-12 month clothes are getting a little short…
She only had one shot today, and she wasn’t entirely pleased about it. Poor baby was having fun playing with the paper on the exam table and charming the pants off of everyone in the office, showing off her clapping and standing abilities…and then she got stuck! Much howling commenced.
Oh, and we pretty much have the green light to give her any foods we want at this point. Not that we have much choice in the matter – if it goes in someone’s mouth, she must share too. I think I’m still going to wait until she’s a bit older before we try peanut butter or shellfish, though. There’s plenty of other things to try before then, anyway!
Happy Easter!
Well, aside from the snow first thing this morning (in mid April?!?) we had a great day, which involved church, egg hunts, kite flying, family and food!
Silly Baby
What a goofy, silly baby!
Easter Preparations…
Yesterday we baked cookies – lots and lots of cookies – with the help of our cousins Kathy, Benny, Ryan and Debbie (aka “Aunt Dee Dee”).
So this morning we had to frost and sprinkle them:

And then we dyed a bunch of hardboiled eggs. No pictures of the actual dyeing process, but what a cute artist!
My Brother Is A Genius
I mean, I knew that already, but now I have confirmation. I was lamenting my broken permalinks (not so “permanent”, are they?), and he came up with a solution so simple and elegant it’s ridiculous.
Well, “simple” assumes a level of knowledge of php that I have mostly forgotten, and a level of knowledge of WordPress that I’ve never had. But with a few strategically placed functions, a new table in the database, a redirect line in my htaccess file…my permalinks work again! Time for a happy dance!
I have a couple of other tweaks to figure out, but I am finally comfortable and happy enough with my new system to blog about something else one of these days. Oh, and fix my craft pages. (Mumble..mumble..darn php errors..mumble…)
Now that I’ve played around a bit with WordPress I’m happy enough that I’m going to keep it. I wish I could have figured out a way to keep the same permalinks so anyone with bookmarks wouldn’t find 404 pages. And I still have to fix my internal links.
Oh, and I think any RSS readers out there are going to have to update their feed link. Sigh.
But look! Random header images! (Reload a couple of times and you’ll hopefully get different images.)
OK. Off to get the girls ready so Carrie can have her swimming lesson today…
So I fixed the main part of my blog (all except the craft pages) and then it was down again this morning yesterday morning. I didn’t actually do anything at all on my site in between when it was fixed and when it broke, so I don’t see how I could have caused it. Since I barely have time to update my blog, let alone muck with all the backend stuff, I decided to go in another direction entirely and try WordPress
It’s going to take a little getting used to. I’m not completely happy with the template yet, all of my internal links are completely broken, and any external bookmarks will be broken as well. I have no idea at all what this is going to do to the RSS feed…apologies if you get all 1500+ entries showing up in there!
But, it’s nearing 1 AM, and as tomorrow today is Palm Sunday I think I’d better just make this public and fix everything later.
I wish this were an April Fool’s joke, but I somehow managed to break my entire (#@*&% site while trying to get my blog up-to-date. OK, well, it might be a joke, but if it is, it’s one that someone else is playing on me. :p
I think I have the Journal part fixed, but the Crafts section appears to be down. Everything else seems OK, but I haven’t tried posting a comment or anything… I think I somehow managed to break something with my php installation while posting an update. Which makes absolutely no sense. Plus my ssh permissions seem to not be working, which makes it nearly impossible to figure out what’s going wrong…and I can’t remember how I’d go about fixing my ssh permissions.
(Would you believe that I used to program websites for a living? I wonder which child stole those brain cells while I was pregnant…)