Rhinebeck, 2008

We took a whirlwind trip to Rhinebeck over the weekend (we left Saturday afternoon and came back late last night…or early this morning, depending on your point of view!) I was determined not to buy anything to spin, as I haven’t spun anything I got at Hemlock yet, and I have to confess that most of what I bought last year at Rhinebeck is also waiting patiently in my stash. However, I did buy yarn. I’ve decided this must be the year of the sock and lace weight yarns, as I seem to be running out of needles in the 2 mm to 3.5 mm range.

Someday I’ll manage to take some pictures of the pretty things I came home with!

Three Months Old!

Dear Anna,

Yesterday you turned three months old. Three months doesn’t seem like a long time, does it? I’m pretty sure I missed a month or two in there! But at the same time it feels like you’ve been here forever.


You are an interactive, smiling, giggly baby already. You and I have wonderful conversations, where I ask you questions and you reply “ah-goo!”, “boo!” or “ppbbblt!” I can get you to laugh if I stick out my tongue at you. You also love to gurgle at the dogs and smile at your big sister.

So far you aren’t rolling over, but you’ve got great head control and you’re willing to tolerate tummy time for at least a little while most days. You definitely prefer to sit up in a bouncy seat so you can see the world, rather than laying on the floor or in your crib.


And speaking of the crib, you are an amazing sleeper. Well, at night, anyway! You will put yourself to sleep if I put you in your crib with a full tummy and a clean diaper around 7:30, and sleep anywhere from 8-12 hours straight. During the day, on the other hand, you might take 3 or 4 catnaps that are only maybe 30-60 minutes long – I’d be surprised if it totaled two hours. The car also does not work the same baby sleepy magic it had for your big sister.

You still do that little newborn stretch when I pick you up when you’re not all the way awake – where you arch your back, pull up your knees, and put your elbows by your ears. I’m not describing it well, but I love it, and I know it won’t be much longer before you outgrow that…


Today I put away almost all of your 0-3 month clothes, in a box with the things we couldn’t use from Carolyn in that size. I’m going to miss some of your teeny-tiny little outfits, and I have to admit I’m hoping you’ll someday have a little sister who will wear them. But while I’m definitely a little sad over how fast you’re growing, I’m so excited for all the new things to come. Just think, today you’re holding up your head and smiling, in a few months you’ll be crawling, and then walking, and then you’ll learn to talk and we’ll be able to have even more wonderful conversations.

Love, Mommy

Anna’s Baptism

20081012_baptism_gown.jpgToday we baptised Anna. Denis’ sister Mary and her husband Lou agreed to be her Godparents, and so everyone gathered at the 9:30 mass to celebrate with us. I was very surprised that Anna didn’t scream about having water poured over her head (she hates having her hair washed!) or having the chrism smeared in her hair. She did make up for it by screaming through the pictures we tried to take after, though.

We had a nice little party in the banquet room of a local restaurant after, and Carrie had a blast running around with her cousins and her friends.

I’m going to have a hard time washing Anna’s hair. I love how the chrism oil smells. (Just looked it up. It’s olive oil scented with balsam that’s been blessed by the bishop.)

Anna did not wear her big sister’s christening gown, as it was long sleeved and velvet (and it was 70+ degrees today, so it’s a good thing we didn’t try to use it anyway!) Instead, my mom knit her the most beautiful beaded lace gown out of a cotton/bamboo blend yarn. It is truly lovely, and I hope someday Anna has a daughter of her own who will wear it!

Field Trip

Carrie had a field trip for school today. It was in the same place as last year, although this year the weather was much, much nicer. They also did some different activities this year – I’m not sure if it was because the kids were bigger or because the weather was nicer – including some neat tube slides that were built into a hill and a very tall slide that they rode down on old feed bags. She definitely had a great time, and came home with a cute little pumpkin.


Carrie holding a baby chick.

Random Weekend Thoughts

I just feel blah today. I thought I was feeling better yesterday, but I still have an awful head cold, and can’t take much while I’m nursing Anna. (Though I have to say, straight up honey really is a miracle cure for coughs and irritated throats, and works way better than most medicines ever did for me.) And Anna’s been sniffling and sneezing, but hopefully it won’t get worse than that for her – especially as she really can’t take anything at her age.

Yesterday Denis took Carrie to his office family picnic, where there was a large corn maze. She had a great time going through the maze (it took them an hour and a half) and apparently also got her first bloody nose when she fell while jumping on a giant inflated bouncy thing. Meanwhile, Anna and I hung out at the shop, trying not to spread our germs everywhere. We probably should have stayed home, but I really thought I was feeling better!

And then. This morning I woke up and realized that Anna had slept a full 12 hours. In her crib. And was in fact still sleeping. In fact, we’ve discovered that if we put Anna in her crib at 7:30, in a cozy sleep sack, with a fully tummy and a clean diaper, she’ll just go to sleep on her own. I had heard tales of babies that did this, but I always thought they were mythical creatures.

Now I just have to kick this cold so I can properly take advantage of all this uninterrupted sleep I could be getting!

Choirs of Angels…

…are singing today.

Anna slept (in her crib, no less) from 8 PM last night until 6 AM this morning. And she woke up happy – I heard her over the monitor: “Ah! Ooh! Ahhh-oooh!” I woke up feeling like I’d been run over by a truck, on the other hand, because I just got hit with a head cold. But at least I got some sleep!

I credit the sleep sack I dug out of the box of Carrie’s old stuff last night (yes, I’m a bad mom for not washing it first.) The house got a bit chilly last night (I refuse to turn the heat on as early as October 1st!) but Anna was nice and toasty warm when I went in to get her.

3.11 Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

One month left of year three…I’ve been telling people you’re “almost four” for so long now that in my head you’re already four. Actually, in my head I suspect you’re a lot older than that even. I keep worrying that I’ve missed giving you certain opportunities (piano lessons and sports teams) and then I realize that you still have years and years ahead of you to try out whatever you’re interested in before you have to settle down and figure out what you want to be when you grow up. (For the record, you’re pretty stuck on “firefighter” right now.)


So for the past few weeks, my “why” girl seems to have been replaced by a lightbulb. You are so full of “whats” lately – usually following any explanation I give you when you’ve asked “why”, first. I’m beginning to think you need your hearing checked!


And filed under “cute right now, but could potentially become obnoxious”, you’ve started stomping your foot and saying “no!” when you’re unhappy about whatever I’ve just said. I do have to struggle not to laugh at it, because pretty much immediately after you’ll become cooperative…you obviously want to please us, but you also want a bit more control over your life than you currently have. It’s a tough thing, kiddo. I still sometimes want to stomp my foot and say “no!” to life.


The other day I was struck by how very grown up you’ve become. It was after dance class, and we had to meet Daddy at the shop to get a few things done. You were wearing your purple sparkly leotard and a pair of purple sweat pants – you looked like a professional dancer. Daddy and I were both busy, and then after a bit I went to see what you were up to, and I found you – my shy-around-strangers girl – sitting right at the table with everyone who was there for Sit & Knit and knitting a few stitches on someone’s scarf (with her help, of course!) I think that’s why in my head you’re so much older. You’ve become so self-confident and out-going that you just seem like you can’t possibly still be three. So I’m going to remind myself every morning to enjoy this last month of you being three, because all too soon you’re going to be all grown up!

Love, Mommy