Sleeeeep. Neeeed Sleeeeep.

I am just a zombie today. I went to bed at midnight, and then Carrie woke me up at 12:30 (she said she fell out of bed, but I didn’t hear a “thump”), 1:30 (her toe hurt), 3:30 (she needed a new bandaid, because the one I gave her at 1:30 had fallen off) and 4:30 (she wanted to snuggle). At which point I begged Denis to take over and he brought Carrie into bed with us. I don’t sleep very soundly when she’s in our bed, because I’m usually the one getting kicked, elbowed, poked, etc. Then when he tried to transfer her back to her bed at 7:00 she woke up screaming for me. It’s nice to be loved and all, but still…

At least I managed to talk her into sleeping for a bit longer so she’d have the energy to play all day, but then I couldn’t go back to sleep. Now it’s 4:00, and I’ve given up on trying to get her to take a nap – which means I didn’t get a nap either. I have no idea how we’re going to survive the birthday party we’re going to this evening.

Summer Concert

Well, I guess technically it’s not summer yet, but we had our final concert of the season this evening. This is the one we always try to do in a local park, but usually it’s raining. Tonight, however, the weather was perfect. It was a great way to wrap up the season.

I’m a little sad, because the director – who’s been with the community band since the beginning seven years ago – is stepping down. I’ve only been with the band for four years, but he was also one of the band directors in my high school, so I’ve known him for a while. It will be very hard for someone to take his place!


We went out to dinner with Lisa & family tonight, and at one point the conversation turned to silly names. Denis said his name was “Slartibartfast“, and the three kids started laughing as though that was the funniest thing ever. I’m sure the rest of the restaurant didn’t really appreciate the giggling, but I certainly did.

What was even funnier was on the way home, Carrie decided that we had to sing the “Slartibartfast” song, where she just repeated the word over and over to a made up melody. Or, well, tried to. It’s a hard word to pronounce, after all…

Carrie’s First Sit & Knit

OK, so Carrie has actually come to the real Sit & Knit several times in her life already. But that was as a passive (well, sometimes active!) observer.

Today we went to my grandparents house to celebrate both my brother and my cousin graduation from various levels of college. Their house has a great big wrap-around porch and is situated in the woods. It’s a very lovely place to sit and chat and knit. My mom and I were both working away on socks when Carrie announced that she wanted to knit too.

So my mom pulled out an extra skein of sock yarn (I’d laugh except I actually had two extra projects with me just in case – for a total of 4 hours riding in the car and a 6 hour afternoon at the house) and showed Carrie how to finger crochet.


Those little fingers were pretty good at finger crocheting! I’m thinking one of those chunky plastic crochet hooks and some nice smooth worsted weight wool next…

Sick Kiddo Update

OK, so not roseola. Coxsackie virus, which sounds like something hideously awful, doesn’t it? But Carrie’s fever is lower today, and aside from her throat hurting (apparently apple juice fixes that right up) is in better spirits today…

…and is currently napping!

Considering I’ve gotten maybe 8 hours of sleep over the past two nights, I’m thrilled with this development. Unfortunately, I’ve never been a good napper, so I’m just going to go veg and knit instead. Almost as good as sleep, right??

Sick Kiddo

My poor little munchkin has had a pretty high (102°-103°) fever since yesterday afternoon. The nurse at her pediatrician’s office agrees with my guess that it could be roseola, although we won’t know for sure until a couple days from now if she breaks out in a rash.

We’ve been watching TV all morning. Mostly because I was up half the night with her and we’re both exhausted. I have to find a way to keep her temperature under control a little better overnight tonight. The poor baby woke up hot and uncomfortable, a whole hour before I could give her more Motrin. As much as I hate being sick myself, I really hate having to watch Carrie being sick.

Couch to 5K

I think I must be completely insane, but I decided to start a running program. I found some podcasts for the couch to 5K program, loaded up the first week on my ipod, and hit the gym this morning. I think it will probably take me more than the nine weeks to complete it though, because I couldn’t really run for the full 60 seconds for all eight intervals for this beginning week. Maybe I’ll count this as week 0.5 and do week 1 again next week?

Anyway, I managed to survive it, so that’s encouraging. I’m tentatively thinking that instead of walking in this years’ Barktober Fest, if I can really manage to stick with this program, maybe I’ll be able to do the 5K run. Oops, I just realized it says 5 miles NOT 5 kilometers…maybe I could still work up to that?

Yep. That proves it. I’m insane. What on earth am I thinking?!?

“Food Is Better”

Carrie wanted to play outside in the rain today. So I let her put on her rain boots and rain coat and play with her sand table on the deck while I kept an eye on her from the kitchen. (I really need rain boots and a coat for myself!) I wasn’t watching her every move, so imagine my surprise when she came up to the deck door crunching on something…

She decided to see what sand tastes like.

After I helped her rinse her mouth out, I asked her what she thought of the sand. She thought for a minute and said, “food is better!” and agreed that she wouldn’t try to eat sand again.

Oh, and while I was brushing her teeth extra well this evening to make sure there was no sand still hiding in there, I realized that her third two-year molar is in. Now we just have to wait for tooth number 20 and we’ll be done, done, done with the teething thing. That molar probably explains some of the recent lack of sleep!

What’s Not Black, Not Red, and Not Metallic?

My newest project. So much for Project Spectrum…


This is Reid from Knitty. Sort of. I had to rework the numbers to accommodate a thicker yarn. I was looking for a lacy (but casual) sweater for Carrie to wear in A/C and cooler evenings, without much luck. So I found three random skeins of white Debbie Bliss cotton cashmere in my stash (anyone have any idea what that was for originally?!?) which may or may not be enough – keep your fingers crossed for me! I suppose I could always make it with three-quarters length sleeves if needed…

Project Spectrum 2.0 Update

Tomorrow is June 1st, which means Project Spectrum shifts from pink, yellow and green to red, black and metallics. I didn’t do such a great job with my projects for these past two months. Let’s see…



One sock + one toe. I have no excuse for these, except that they’re my “purse project” that I pull out when I’m waiting somewhere with free hands. I guess I haven’t had to do any waiting that didn’t also involve occupying a toddler at the same time lately.

Baby sweater:


Back + part of one front. My excuse for this one? I’m not sure I like the color combo as much as I thought I would. I think I’d like stripes better than the squares. But as it’s about half done (I’ve finished the first front, started the second, and hidden some ends since I took the picture) I guess I’ll finish it anyway.

I’m also not feeling the love for the next set of Project Spectrum colors. My sock pal does like red though, and since I haven’t gotten yarn for that project yet (must do that soon!) those may have a bit of red in them. Other than that…no idea. Maybe I’ll finish up some of the abandoned projects from the last two color triads instead!