You Know You’re A Crazy Knitter When…

You go to the same yarn shop twice in an hour to buy enough yarn to make one tiny little sweater as a gift. I always try to buy something really easy-care when I knit gifts for small children, but then I discovered that the Debbie Bliss yarns were 30% off, and the cotton cashmere came in such a perfect color and would work so wonderfully for the pattern I wanted to do. So I bought six skeins, enough for the smallest size. Halfway home, I realized that it was just cruel to give a sweater that required special care to a family who was about to have their second child. Cruel to the sweater, that is. What if they, in a sleep-deprived stupor, put it in the dryer?!? (Cue the scary music.)

But the yarn was on sale, and therefore couldn’t be returned. What to do? Then I realized that just one more skein would be enough for a Carrie-sized sweater, so I went back to the yarn shop to buy another skein of cotton cashmere and picked up a machine washable/dryable yarn (also very pretty) to knit the gift sweater in. Bonus? That yarn was also 30% off.

Never mind that I have more yarn, projects and kits than I could ever knit in my lifetime. No knitter in her right mind could possibly pass up cotton cashmere for $5.25 a skein, especially to make a lovely, lacy sweater for her baby girl. :)

Is She Two Yet?

Carrie seems to have inherited the “don’t bend in the middle” skill from her Uncle Dan. I spent, I kid you not, 10 minutes (although it seemed like 10 hours) trying to force/cajole/bribe/sweet-talk/trick/beg/etc. Carrie into sitting in her carseat after spending the morning at my grandparents’ house.

If this kind of thing is only going to get worse before it gets better, I don’t know how I’m going to survive it. It took every ounce of willpower and continual mental reminders that a) she’s just a toddler, b) I’m an adult, and c) she’s not really trying to drive me to an early grave to not totally lose my temper. Not that I would have done anything besides yell, but that wouldn’t have helped the situation all that much.

These toddlers are tricky little creatures. You finally think you’ve got the whole parenting thing down – you’ve figured out a routine that works for everyone, your baby is happy and healthy, people come up to you and tell you what a beautiful, well-behaved baby you have – and then. Then they start asserting their independence. And then you realize that you never really had any sort of mad parenting skillz, you just happened to get the model that sleeps well and is generally happy. And then turns into a raving lunatic toddler just when you finally feel confident about everything.

Sesame Street

When I was pregnant, I did all sorts of research about raising a happy, healthy child. There were a lot of sources that said you shouldn’t let your young (under 2) child watch any TV at all. We broke that rule with Signing Time, and it was definitely worth it. There were also the occasional Baby Einstein videos, but they weren’t (and still aren’t) Carrie’s favorites. Then she discovered Blue’s Clues. Honestly, I can’t even remember how that happened. Now, her favorite show is Sesame Street. (El-bo! El-bo!)

Before the trip I bought a few Sesame Street DVDs, including Kids’ Favorite Songs. Today, Carrie climbed up on the piano bench and started plunking out random notes and singing Twinkle, Twinkle – except it sounds more like “qwing-ko”. She has quite a repetoire of songs now: Baa Baa Black Sheep, Row Row Row Your Boat, the alphabet song, and Old MacDonald. All of these songs are things I’ve sung for her many, many times in her lifetime. Did she sing them before we got the video? No. She started singing all of those songs (except the alphabet song) after she started watching the video. Plus, the other day she counted backwards from ten with no prompting at all – which is another thing that video shows.

I don’t know what kind of power Elmo has over kids, but I dearly hope he only ever uses it for good. If Elmo ever turns evil, we’re all in trouble.

Home Sweet Home

If I never fly through Atlanta again it will be much too soon. Oh, and that 8 AM flight from Orlando to Atlanta? We were the people with the screaming baby on that flight. If you were on it and she bothered you, sorry. Though if your ears were as painful as hers and mine, I can’t imagine that you could hear her anyway.

The dogs are happy to see us, we’re happy to be home, and I’m ready for a vacation. What’s that? Tomorrow is Monday and Denis needs to go to work while I try to get Carrie back into a somewhat normal routine? Ugh.

Last Bit of Magic

The plan for today was to ride Small World until we couldn’t stand it anymore (and since all three of us like that ride, that might have taken a while). Instead, Carrie woke up at 5:30 AM. We decided to put her down for a super-early nap and go to the park in the afternoon. At 3:00 the park was so incredibly hot and crowded we were thinking we’d made a mistake, and when we got to Small World and the line was a whopping 30 minutes long we were sure we had. We suffered through the line and rode it one more time, since the next time we go Carrie will probably be too “cool” to go on it. Then we wrapped up our visit with Winnie the Pooh (thanks to fastpass) and tasty, cold ice cream. I have to say, I love the whole Disney experience, and I’m going to miss this place. I hope we get to come back soon! (Just maybe not in the middle of the summer.)

A bit of concentrated packing later, and after exchanging everyone’s photos (between the four digital cameras there were nearly 1300), we’re going to hit the hot-tub for a little bit. Then to bed, since we have to leave the house by 6:00 to return the rental car and get to the airport in time for our 8:00 flight!

MGM Studios, Epcot Part 2

I seem to be the only person who actually likes MGM Studios. Carrie certainly didn’t. We started with The Little Mermaid, which scared her because it was dark. Then we went to Playhouse Disney Live. She enjoyed the parts where she could get up and dance, but couldn’t sit still (and was interfering with others’ enjoyment, or we wouldn’t have cared) for the rest. She liked the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground, but didn’t like that we forced her to keep her shoes on. We had a very early lunch and were planning on calling it a day, but ran into the rest of our group and got talked into going into the Muppet Vision 3-D show. Carrie didn’t keep her 3-D glasses on, but seemed to enjoy it anyhow. We had some ice cream after that and headed home for a much-needed nap. I’m pretty sure someone said it was 97 degrees when we left. Ugh.

After a nice long nap, we headed back to Epcot. We did a little souvenier shopping (I remembered the Mouse Gear store from the last trip – it’s the store where you can buy *anything* you want that’s Disney-themed). After that, we sprinted to Morocco just in time for our dinner reservations at the Marrakesh. Then we finished walking around the World and watched the best fireworks display ever next to a margarita stand in Mexico. Seriously, Epcot has the best fireworks I’ve ever seen. Carrie absolutely adored them, and clapped and cheered along with everyone else.

Diaper Woes

Carrie woke up in the middle of the night asking for a diaper change, and then woke up this morning wet. The problem is that the Huggies 4s are too small for her, and the Huggies 5s (which is what we brought) are too big. The Pampers 4s fit her perfectly, but they have this weird meshy liner that give her a diaper rash. I think we’re going to head to the store later and try to find some diapers she can wear overnight that will a) keep her dry, and b) not leak!

Magic Kingdom Part 2, Epcot

We figured that there wasn’t much in Future World to occupy Carrie, and since the World Showcase didn’t open until 11 we decided to spend a couple house in the Magic Kingdom before heading to Epcot. We actually parked at Epcot (row 5!) and took the monorail to the Magic Kingdom. The first ride we went on was Pirates of the Carribean. Carrie did not like that ride at all – not because of the skeletons or anything, but because there’s a very small drop while the ride is in the dark. Poor baby. But Aladin’s flying carpet ride completely made up for it. After that it was back to Small World, then onto Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin game. That’s my favorite ride in all of Disney! :)

Then we had an amazing string of happy coincidences that completely made our day. Since it was already lunchtime we stopped at the Crystal Palace to see if we could get lunch there. I had heard they had reasonably healthy food alternatives, but I had no idea that a) it was a buffet (which meant Carrie ate free) and b) it was a character place. Carrie got to see Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore. They made such an impression on her that she learned their names over lunch, and was babbling excitedly about “poooh”, “tick-er”, “piggy-et” and “eeee-oh” for a bit. When Pooh came to our table, Carrie gave him such a long hug that we weren’t sure she would let go!

We stopped for a bit in the baby care center to deal with diapers and milk, and then Carrie took a bit of a nap in the stroller while we headed to Epcot and walked around Future World for a while. Then it started pouring, so we ducked into a building that also had characters: Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, Chip & Dale, and Goofy. Oh, my. “Mick-eee, mick-eee”. It was so, so, so cute. Minnie Mouse actually sat down on the floor to let Carrie come over and hug her, and then after a bit when I said it was time to let someone else take a turn Minnie shook her head, pointed to Carrie and pointed to herself. I said, “oh, you want to take Carrie home with you?” and Minnie nodded. So I asked Carrie if she’d rather go home with Minnie or Mama, and she patted Minnie’s cheek and said “mick-eee!” It was just the cutest, most wonderful experience to watch her interact with all the characters, and although I know she won’t remember it at all, I always will!

We tried to walk around the world, stopping in Canada to listen to Off Kilter, and even though we waited through another rain “shower”, we got completely drenched in the one after that and decided it was time to call it a night. I don’t think the rain really let up until much later, so it was probably good that we headed home.

Sea World

We took a break from “The Happiest Celebration on Earth” and headed out on our own to Sea World for the morning. Carrie’s favorite parts of Sea World were the shelters that had misting water to cool off in and the sand box that had *two* slides in it. She also got to pet a stingray, watch turtles and penguins, and see dolphins swim by. We didn’t get to the Shamu show, but we saw a show called “Pets Ahoy” which features cats, dogs, various types of birds and even a pot-bellied pig that are all trained to do really specific things, like dogs jumping rope and birds flying from one window to another in a flock. It was a fabulous show, and Carrie was absolutely thrilled with it.

Then we got caught in a downpour so absolute that even though we waited out the worst of it we were completely drenched and dripping by the time we got back to the park exit. Plus Carrie was asleep, so by the time we got back the house she was not interested in a nap. She spent the afternoon playing with her cousins and getting more and more hyper, and then we realized that none of the kids had had an actual bath – with soap – in days, so all six girls ended up in the very large master bathroom tub together. We got Carrie cleaned up first so we could get her to bed sooner, and as Denis carried her up the stairs she was begging, “Nooooo, more bath! More bath!” She loves her cousins!

Magic Kingdom

Princesses, Castles and Flying Dumbo, here we come! :)

Today we started out at Magic Kingdom with the whole group. It was already insanely hot when we parked our car, and we had to take a tram and a ferry before we got to the park entrance. At this point, Carrie’s experienced so many different modes of transportation on this trip she’s going to be bored just riding around in the car when we get home!

We spent the morning in Fantasyland, riding Dumbo, Winne the Pooh, It’s a Small World (twice!) and Peter Pan. Carrie adored Dumbo and Small World, and I think had fun with the other two, but might have liked them more if she knew the characters. I think we’ll actually go back on the Small World ride at least once or twice more before we go home, because she loved it so much.

We wrapped up the day with a dip in the pool. And after Carrie fell asleep we took advantage of the hot tub!