One Down, Many More To Go…

Believe it or not, I just finished the first of my hand-made Christmas gifts. Yes, I know it’s only June, and that Christmas is a long six months away, but after last year, where I had so much left to finish the week before that Christmas basically came and went with more relief than enjoyment, I figured it would be best to start way early this year.

I know what I’m making for almost everyone on my list already, I just have a few (those hard-to-buy/make-for type of people that everyone has on their list) left to figure out.

Sick, isn’t it?

Potty Success!

Woo-hoo! Carrie went pee-pee in the potty tonight! (Yep. I just used the word “pee-pee”. Get over it.)

This was all because she was stalling before bedtime. First she insisted on using the potty, sat on it for maybe half a millisecond, then ran into her room. When I followed her and said it was time to put on a diaper, she said “no, more potty!” and ran back into the bathroom. We did this three times, and the last time she actually sat long enough to do something! Yippee! No one was more surprised than she was, I think.

Carrie’s asked to use the potty before just about every diaper change for at least the past month, but this is the first time she managed to produce anything. Is this the start of potty-training? Probably not. Is it a step in the right direction? Definitely.

On The Lighter Side

I seriously need to copy Heather’s sign for my front door. My dogs start barking if the UPS truck even dares to stop somewhere on our street. And if the doorbell rings? They feel it is their duty to bark loud enough and long enough to make sure I know that the doorbell? It rang.

I’ve taken to listening for any delivery truck that might stop by during naptime (why is it always during naptime?!?), and I literally shove shoes on my feet and leave the house to meet them part-way up my driveway (rain, sleet or snow can’t stop me) so that they never have to ring the bell. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for all the neighborhood kids on foot and bikes who are selling tickets to car washes and raffles and what-not as fundraisers. The kids’ parents, though, might not appreciate the language on that sign…

I really, really hate this.

I haven’t “fixed” the rss feed yet, but from this point forward any Carolyn-related posts are going to require a sign-in. I’ve chosen to use TypeKey, as it’s already tied into my commenting system. If you would like to continue reading updates about Carolyn, get yourself a TypeKey account, send me your username at sarah AT sarahsthreads DOT com, and once I’ve added you to the people who are allowed to read these posts you should be able to see them. Assuming I don’t know you IRL, please also send me a link to your blog or an email address you’ve used to comment here before. ETA: Please use the subject “TypeKey ID” – a couple of requests have ended up in my junk mail folder and I want to make sure I don’t lose any! This way I can filter them out before the junk filter gets to them.

I’m sorry. I really hate having to do this. If it were just me, just my pictures, I wouldn’t bother. But Carrie’s safety has to come first, and it really hit home last weekend just how sick people on the internet can be.

Now that I’ve made a decision and taken some action I should be back to posting regular old happy things again.

Twenty Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you turned 20 months. 20! That’s all your fingers and toes added up together! Sometimes we count to 20. You do really well up to eleven, skip twelve, say thirteen, and then the rest of the numbers all sound like “ah-teen”. It’s a good start, though. I blame it all on Sesame Street. This month you’ve become obsessed with it, asking for it before Signing Time or even sometimes your beloved Blue’s Clues. If I’m not careful, you’re going to become a TV junkie.


Every month I’m amazed at how much your language has changed. Instead of saying “no” to everything now, you say things like “no chair!”, “no pants!”, “no play!” and “not sleepy!” (Everything you say is an exclamation. Sometimes I think there’s more than one exclamation point on the end – especially “no (in)side!!”) Longer words are popping out here and there, and cute little mispronunciations that I hate to correct – like “tah-peeyah” for caterpillar, “lo-gur” for yogurt, and “teeee!” for Carrie. And you’ve gone from loving books to being absolutely obsessive about them. No longer can I read three different stories at bedtime. No, we’ve graduated to “more ‘night moon!” and “more where sheep!” Now I read three different stories three or more times each. I have so many of your books memorized that I sometimes make a game with myself to see if I can “read” the whole thing with my eyes shut, no peeking. Since you’re sitting in my lap facing away from me, you don’t notice. Not sure if this qualifies as “language”, really, but you also pretend to snore as I leave the room at naptime or bedtime.

You’re definitely all-out running now, and sometimes when you jump your feet actually leave the floor a fraction of an inch. You climb up the little slide we bought you and slide down all by yourself, and at the playground you go down the huge spirally slide that’s way taller than me while I wait at the bottom. You have no fear, and I haven’t decided yet if this is a good thing or a bad thing. You love being outside, playing with chalk and bubbles, swinging, or watering the flowers.

Another new thing you’ve learned this month is how to remove every stitch of clothing on your body. I went in to get you up from a nap you decided not to take, and found pants, shirt and diaper on the floor next to the crib. You were pretty proud of what you’d accomplished. I was pretty happy that the diaper was empty and dry! On the diaper front, you ask to use the potty all the time, but you’ve never actually done more than sit on it for half a second. I’m fairly certain it’s a delay tactic (“no diaper! “noooo diaper!” “nooooo!!” potty?”) but I generally indulge you. One of these days you might just get it!

At our last playgroup, one of the girls who’s a few months older than you tried to start playing with you instead of just next to you, and you know what? You played with her! I was so happy and proud I thought I might cry, watching the two of you giggling over the game you made up with the playsilks. You’re growing up so fast, learning so much, and while part of me wistfully longs for the baby who used to nap in my arms, the rest of me is so excited to watch you blossom into such a wonderful little girl.

Love, Mommy

Long Week…

I found out last weekend that somebody had stolen a bunch of Carrie’s pictures, put them up on a web page, and was claiming that she was Carrie’s mom. (Well, she renamed the child and gave her a different birthday, but that’s about it.) It’s been a week of tracking down all the places (discussion boards and such) that these pictures were being used, writing to the site administrators, and trying to get everything removed. Some things still aren’t resolved yet, but we’re working on it. I’m still not sure it’s a good idea to blog about this, but I need some help.

I’ve been trying to decide what to do. I’ve lost a whole week of blogging about all the little important things Carrie’s doing. I’m worried about posting more of her pictures, and angry that I have to worry about it at all. I’ve thought about password protecting my blog, or the parts that pertain to Carrie, but I don’t know that I want to do that. Let’s face it – some small part of me is worried that nobody would request the password! But then I wonder why I’m doing this at all – is it for the network of virtual friends I’ve made over the years, or for Carrie’s grandparents, or just for myself? A lawyer friend of the family advised me to “go dark”. Take down the site. End what is just four days shy of a 5-year-old journal. I don’t think I can do that.

If you were in my situation, what would you do?

KSKS Swap Questions

You didn’t really think I’d stay away too long, did you? I’m feeling better, and the thing that’s making me crazy-angry remains unresolved and therefore not something I can/will blog about. However, I have some Knit Sock Kit Swap questions to answer for my pal, and there are things I’ve really wanted to blog just since Saturday, so obviously I’m not ready to give this up yet!

Without further ado, the KSKS Questionnaire:

What are your favorite colors? Blue, green, orange, pink…um, really about any color! Those are really the ones I wear the most, though, with a bit of purple thrown in when I feel like it.
Are you a new sock knitter? How long have you been knitting socks? I’ve been knitting socks for three-ish years, but I usually get stuck on the second sock so I don’t have too many completed pairs to show for it.
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? I have a lot of self-patterning yarn, but I’ve been thinking of getting some solid or nearly-solid yarn to try some lace or fair isle patterns with. Really I have no preference.
What fibers do you prefer in sock yarn? I like both wool and wool/cotton blends. I look for machine washable yarn that will hold up to being tossed in the dryer, because I’ve had a pair of handknit socks ruined in the dryer. :(
Where do you usually knit socks? Since they’re a nice portable project, anywhere I can knit. Less so now that I’m usually chasing a toddler wherever I go!
How do you usually carry/store small projects? Sometimes in my purse if I’m carrying a big enough one at the time, otherwise in my knitting bag. Or in a basket in my craft room. Or a drawer. Or the closet. Sometimes in a plastic grocery bag stuffed somewhere out of sight. Sigh. I really need some project organization help!
What are your favorite sock knitting patterns? I usually knit a basic toe-up pattern, but I like various lace and cable patterns too. All-over ribbing I’m more likely to abandon after a while…which is why you don’t really see any finished pairs of ribbed socks on my sock page!
What are your favorite sock knitting techniques? Magic loop, definitely! And although I love the way heel flaps look, I’ve used short-row heels on my last couple of pairs and love how they fit.
What new techniques would you like to try? Fair Isle isn’t new to me, but I’ve never done Fair Isle socks before.
Do you prefer circulars or dpns for sock knitting? Circulars all the way! (Honestly? DPNs that tiny scare the snot out of me!)
What are some of your favorite yarns? Sock yarn or any yarn? I really like a good, basic smooth wool. Let’s see, the latest one I’ve used is KnitPick’s Wool of the Andes. I also love the few skeins of Koigu KPPPM I’ve managed to get my hands on. None of my LYS carries it and it’s so hard to pick out colorways on the web!
What yarn do you totally covet? I’ve never seen Socks that Rock IRL, but I love the finished pairs people post on their blogs. They’re such pretty colors.
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? There’s a pattern for entrelac socks I’ve been drooling over in my copy of Socks, Socks, Socks, but they look like they’d be super time-consuming.
Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? I love my Addi Turbos!
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? I have no idea!
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? Hm, favorite candy? Dark chocolate. Not sure how mail-able that is in August though, so maybe taffy or something like that? Pretty much anything without nuts in it. (Not an allergy, just a preference.)

Out Of Commission

I’m sick. Like, stomach bug sick. For the first time since junior year of high school. So between that and a few things I have to take care of over here, it may be a few days before I get back to posting regularly. If I do at all. There’s something going on that’s making me really angry right now, something I won’t blog about until I decide what to do. I’m sorry.

Funny Snapshots of Life

Last night I was at my mom’s house watching a movie, and when I came home my purse had mysteriously migrated to the kitchen table. It was quite late, and Denis was snoring loudly resting his eyes on the couch. I woke him up to tell him I was home, and asked why my purse was sitting on the table. His reply? “Your phone started beeping. It wanted more power.” For some reason I found this hysterically funny…

Tonight after my concert we all went out for ice cream with my parents. Last time I got Carrie strawberry ice cream, and I got my favorite: mint chocolate chip. Carrie ate my ice cream and ignored the strawberry. So this time I got her the mint chocolate chip and I ordered myself a root beer float – figuring I’d get at least a taste of hers since she wouldn’t come close to finishing it. She freaked every time she got a chip in her mint chocolate chip ice cream and scraped it out of her mouth. With her fingers. And then tried to wipe it on me, my mom, the table, wherever was convenient. Eventually Carrie ended up eating the vanilla soft serve out of my root beer float and I ended up with sticky green ice cream everywhere. Sigh. Next time I’m ordering us both vanilla soft serve. At least it will be easier to clean up! (The really bad part of all this is that it’s nearly 10 PM and she’s nowhere near asleep yet.)

Another Swap!

After making and receiving great socks for Sockapaloooza this spring, when I found out about the Knit Sock Kit Swap I decided to take the plunge. I think it will be fun to make up a sock knitting kit for someone, and get one in return. Because, you know, I don’t really have enough sock yarn yet…

And by the time that’s done there will hopefully be another sock swap to join. Because you can never have enough hand-knit socks!