Travel Checklist

  • car toys…check
  • knitting…check
  • ipod…check
  • yummy snacks…check
  • slippers…check

I think we’re ready for our weekend away. Just as soon as the binkies and straw cups get run through the dishwasher and the jeans finish drying. And we still have to clean the kitchen, empty the trash, make sure all the phones are on their chargers, collect all the lovies out of the crib…um, I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t keep everything straight anymore!

What time is it? How many hours until we leave? Right, just checking. Sleep is overrated anyway.

Blogging Blahs

I haven’t blogged in a bit because I haven’t really done anything all that exciting lately. I’ve done bits and pieces on some of my craft projects, but nothing worth reporting or taking pictures of. Carrie’s been doing some super cute things lately, but I also haven’t gotten pictures or videos* of those things either. Sigh. I’m feeling stressed about getting things together to go to a wedding this weekend and just keeping up with all the daily activities we have. There’s stuff going on every morning this week and I don’t think either Carrie or I have fully adjusted to the time change yet. Blah.

*Seriously, how do you describe a little kid making funny mouth noises without a video clip? She does that thing, you know, where you take your finger and flick it up and down over your lips while making a “b” sound…aw, shoot, I’ll just have to try and catch it on video.

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Yeah, did I promise pictures today of all my current craft projects? What, did you forget it was April Fool’s Day today?

Instead, here’s a picture of Carrie wearing the dog pajamas I bought her. They’re boys’ pajamas, because any girls’ pajamas with dogs on them have sissy dogs like pink fluffy poodles. (Not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with poodles, but dogs definitely shouldn’t be pink!)


I’m Still Alive!

I’ve been busy trying to rework my week to fit in some workouts at the gym. I did manage to get there three times this week, including taking a spin class. I wish I was talking about spinning fiber, but no, I took the kind of spin class that makes it hard to sit down for three days! The good news is that Carrie cried the whole time I left her in the gym childcare Monday, cried for a few minutes on Wednesday, and didn’t even miss me today.

We’ve also spent a lot of time outdoors this week, because the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. Today it topped 70°, and Denis came home early, and we got some yard work done. I think this weekend I’m going to look for some kid-sized gardening tools for Carrie – she really wanted to use the rake and tried to steal my gloves.

In my spare time I’ve been working on some projects – maybe I’ll actually manage to take some pictures tomorrow. Carrie’s Snoopy pajamas are done with the exception of snaps, although they look enormous. I’ll have to try them on her tomorrow, but I don’t think they’ll fit until next fall/winter. I finished up the baby sweater that I was trying to deny the existence of a few days ago. And I’m actually…drum roll, please…working on sock #2 for Sockapaloooza! I got a repeat and a half done just now while watching three Tivo’d episodes of The Daily Show from this past week. OK, so we fast-forward through commercials, leaving each episode at maybe 24 minutes, and each repeat is 12 rows, so I can do 6 rows in 24 minutes, or 4 minutes per row. At that rate it should only take me…um, where’s the calculator app? Ah, yes, about 10 more hours of knitting. I can finish that by the end of April, right?

Déjà Vu

I think I’ve figured out something profound. I really hate doing the same exact thing twice. Now you may be asking yourself, how could I possibly knit if I don’t like repetitive things? But it’s a different level of repetitiveness. I don’t mind knitting two stitches, but it’s like pulling teeth to knit two socks. Or two sleeves. Or, for an example which may or may not be sitting in my knitting bag right this very moment making me feel guilty, sewing the second sleeve and side seam on a baby sweater which is otherwise finished.

I figured this out as I was (finally) working on Carrie’s snoopy pajamas this afternoon. (Possibly instead of sewing that last seam on the baby sweater. If such a sweater actually exists, that is.) Since they’re footie pajamas, the first thing I had to do was pin and sew the toes to the bottoms of the legs. The first one was fun, the second one I did just to get to the next step. The shoulder seams were fine, because they’re little. Then came the sleeves. Again, the first one was fun, the second one…I dilly-dallied for a bit, clearing off the ironing board, checking ahead in the instructions, fondling the footie fabric I bought with the neat little bumps on it…and then I realized that I would never get to use the fabulous footie fabric unless I sewed the evil second sleeve. It didn’t help that every seam had to be double-stitched either. I seriously considered putting the project aside, but then I might have had to go downstairs and sew a second sleeve into a hypothetical baby sweater instead. I decided that was marginally worse. I pleaded and bargained with the pattern, begging it to let me do any other step first, but it wouldn’t budge, so I had to finally just sew the blasted sleeve in.

It’s odd that I can manage to live with a toddler while having such an aversion to this kind of repetitiveness, since we read the same books over and over, sing the same songs over and over, and have the same conversations over and over. I guess maybe this second fill-in-the-blank syndrome only extends to crafty things.


I was going through some images I took this past month, and I found a picture of Carrie with her sunglasses on – the same sunglasses I bought her last year! On the left, Carrie at 4 months sporting her sunglasses; on the right, Carrie at 17 months with the same sunglasses. (They’re a little worse for the wear, one of the arms is bent so they’re a little crooked.) I wonder if they’ll still fit her next year?
4 months17 months


We’re going on a big family vacation with Denis’ side this summer, to Florida – mainly Disney, although we plan to hit Sea World and a couple of other places while we’re there. Even though I still have more than three months to plan, I’m starting to think about various things we’ll need to bring and how we’re going to get everyone and everything through the airport.

My biggest concern at the moment is cameras. We have three cameras we use on a somewhat regular basis: the digital SLR, a digital point-and-shoot, and a digital video camera. I’m OK with leaving the video camera home as we don’t use it that much anyway, my real dilemma is which still camera to bring. I really adore my digital SLR, and don’t really want to leave home without it, but I’m feeling like it would be a hassle to carry it through the parks. Plus I imagine my worry about valuable things that could get lost should probably be more focused on the munckin than a camera. (To that end, I’m thinking I might get one of these for her. Do you think that’s too paranoid?)

The pros of the digital point-and-shoot are that it’s small, takes decent pictures (especially outdoors, where we’ll mostly be) and can also take small video snippets. The cons? It’s not my digital SLR.

The pros of the SLR are that it takes fabulous pictures, has a better flash, and has interchangeable lenses. The cons? It’s big, heavy, has extra lenses, and doesn’t take video.

The choice is clear, right? So why am I obsessing? Besides, if I bring the little camera, I can buy one of these nifty bags (in lime green, of course!) and stick the camera right in that handy-dandy side pocket. And I’ve never been known to pass up a chance to buy a new bag…

Seventeen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Spring is right around the corner, and you’re becoming so much more aware of the world outside our house that I can’t wait to share the new leaves on the trees and the bugs in the garden with you! Cars, trucks, buses and airplanes go by and you hear them and scream (and sign) “car!” or “train!” You hear the birds outside your window every morning and wake up earlier just to listen to them. It’s thrilling to go out on a cloudy day because then you can look up and shout (and sign) “cloud” over and over again. It’s like you want to be sure I don’t miss a moment of all the extraordinary things that happen on a perfectly ordinary day.


Speaking of your screaming and shouting, I can only think of 17 new signs you’ve learned this month (it must be time to buy a new set of Signing Time DVDs!) but you now at least attempt to say almost every one of the 117 words you know how to sign, and even some you don’t. The new signs this month are “stuck”, “colors”, “rainbow”, “alligator”, “friend”, “monkey”, “aunt”, “uncle”, “cousin”, “me”, “grandma”, “grandpa”, “no”, “cloud”, “my turn”, “excuse me”, and the letter “b”. I’m really even more glad you sign at this point, because most of your words sound like at least one other word (is “bah!” ball, block, bear, book, baby, bunny, bread, box or bye?!?) so the visual clue is pretty important. Speaking of clues, you can now ask for Blue’s Clues by name, by signing “blue” and saying “clues” at the same time. Also, you’ve learned some manners this month, generally signing “please” when you really want something without being prompted, and signing “excuse me” when you burp. We’re still working on “thank you” – you’ll sign it when we tell you to, but I don’t think you quite get when you’re supposed to say it yet.

Your absolute favorite activities at this point are coloring and playing with your set of Duplos. We got you a building plate for them, and you can put the blocks together pretty easily at this point. You can also take things apart pretty easily, and that seems to be your preferred method of playing with Legos: Mommy builds a tower, Carrie pulls it apart, giggling with glee. You also adore dolls. In fact, you now go to bed with three pink rag dolls (I call them the triplets) and you have two baby dolls that are your daytime “babies”. I’m pretty glad you don’t have a younger sibling yet, because you like to stuff your “babies” into a plastic bucket that doubles as a drum and put the lid on…although to be fair, I haven’t sewn the doll bassinet I’ve been planning to make for the last two months, so you don’t really have a bed for your dolls.

We’ve read the same book, Goodnight, Sweet Butterflies, before every nap and bedtime and every morning when you wake up for at least the past month. You love to point out everything on each page for me to label, and there are a lot of things on each page! And you’re convinced that the earthworms on the pink butterfly page are snakes. Either that, or you think that earthworms hiss. Luckily, when we’re not in your room you bring me a variety of other books to read. I’m pretty sure I’ve had dreams about that butterfly book lately, I’ve read it so often!

I’m fairly certain that you’re starting your “terrible two’s” a bit early. We’ve had some struggles just this past week with an overnight change to where you absolutely want to do everything yourself. This includes climbing into your highchair by yourself, washing your own face, and putting on your own pants. Most of the time this isn’t a problem, except the pants – you haven’t figured out how to do that just yet, and I can only allow you so much time in the mornings to try because we usually have something fun to go out and do, and you get really, really, angry when I finally do it for you. I’ve seen the glimmers of all-out tantrums, too, where you sort of melt into a puddle or start banging your head on the floor. I can understand how frustrating it must be, so you’ll get nothing but sympathy from me, although I can’t promise that I won’t laugh sometimes – it might sound mean, but laughing is better than getting frustrated myself, right?

I’m looking forward to seeing spring through your eyes this year. I’m glad I have you reminding me about all the fantastic things I never stop to see anymore!

Love, Mommy

Off Kilter

Did I say regularly scheduled blogging? I’ve been all out-of-sorts this week. I assume it has a lot to do with the craziness of the past couple of weeks, and hopefully it will be all better after this weekend.

Carrie learned two new things today: she can now climb in and out of her high chair unassisted, and she signs “excuse me” after she burps. Of course, she has to have a good chuckle about having burped first. It’s the little things…

And in a very odd coincidence, we discovered earlier this afternoon that Denis’ car had a headlight out – the left headlight – and then on my way home from Sit & Knit Lisa pulled up alongside my car to let me know that I had a headlight out…the left headlight. I’m trying not to be (mildly) freaked out about that.

And Now…

…Back to my regularly scheduled crafty blogging! Maybe. I haven’t really managed to get back into the knitting groove yet – I took a nearly two week hiatus from all things crafty and it takes a while for me to find the motivation to start back up.

So instead of knitting, I’ve been thinking about some sewing projects. First of all, I have Carrie’s Snoopy pajamas to finish, because if I don’t finish them soon she’ll never be able to wear them! And I bought a pattern to make a doll bassinet, which also has instructions for a kid-sized diaper bag. Carrie and I went shopping for fabric for the diaper bag (I already have the fabric for the bassinet.) I picked out a really pretty blue fabric with big bright daisies on it for the outside of the bag. And here’s what she picked out for the lining:


I kid you not, the child carried the bolt of fabric in her lap all around the store (she was sitting in a cart) while I tried to coax her into picking something else out. Sigh. I suppose, since it’s going to be her bag to carry, if she wants the interior of it to be dogs brushing their teeth and painting their nails, who am I to argue? (Although if I were a really nice mom, I’d make it the outside of the bag!)