Look, Ma, I Cleaned My Room!

Today I cleaned my craft room to the point where I was actually able to vacuum it. I’m afraid to even admit how long it’s been since I was able to vacuum this room. Doesn’t it look fabulous? You can actually see the sewing machine along with my stack of things that need to be sewn (that’s the pile of plastic bags on the right side of the table):


That is, it looks fabulous until you see exactly how I cleared off the floor:

Either I have way too many craft supplies, very poor organizational skills, or not enough time to knit/quilt/scrapbook/etc. I’m leaning towards that last one.

Crayons Taste Icky

But they sure are fun to color with! Carrie adores coloring now. We’re talking borderline obsessive here. If she sees her box of crayons she absolutely has to color. Even when she doesn’t see her crayons she’ll sign “colors” and say “cuh!” to let us know that it’s time to get the crayons out. She’s actually getting really good at taking one crayon at a time out of the box, and putting it back when she wants to get another color. I can tell she’s trying very hard to keep it on the paper, but the 9″ x 12″ construction paper is too small – I’m going to have to find a big easel-sized pad for her to color on. (Good thing I bought washable crayons!)

Up until a few days ago I think Carrie saw crayons as just a neatly packaged snack. I had managed to keep her from actually biting into a crayon up until then, but that day she got a good chunk of orange crayon…and based on her reaction it was apparently quite disgusting. She hasn’t really tried to eat them since!

FLAK decisions

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to have the front of my FLAK cardigan look – the way my cables relaxed when I washed my swatch meant that taking out the center 12 stitches as suggested in the pattern would have given me a button band that was about 1 3/4″ wide instead of just over an inch. Since I couldn’t decide between using my filler stitch or using a different cable I “swatched” them both: I did the left front with the moss stitch and the right front with the wave cable.


After pondering it for a bit, I think I’ll go with the moss stitch. (The little yellow “blips” are where I put in a lifeline so when I rip it out I don’t have to worry about picking up the stitches in the right order – all those cables make it a bit more complicated!)

Once I rip and re-knit those 22 rows on the one side I’ll be ready to start the sleeves!

Diaper Duty

Carrie seems to be showing signs that she’s aware of having a dirty diaper. Last night when I got home from rehearsal, she went and got the receiving blanket I change her on very occasionally when we’re downstairs and I don’t want to bring her up to her room. She put it on the floor and laid down on it – and she did in fact have a dirty diaper. Then after lunch today, before I put her down for her nap, she signed “potty” – and once again she had a dirty diaper.

I don’t think she’s anywhere near ready to potty train, but just the fact that she’s aware of the fact that she needs a new diaper is a good first step! Maybe I’ll start looking around for a good board book on the subject to get her used to the concept.


I’m not sure why Carrie decided to wriggle half out of her shirt, but was really hard not to laugh when she did. So instead I took pictures! This is the first time she’s managed to extricate herself from any clothing that isn’t already part way off (besides shoes and socks). I figure she’s going to get really good at it right about the time the weather warms up. At least we won’t need to buy her any new clothes for the summer, since she probably won’t keep them on.


And for those who don’t have enough evidence yet that I’m a terrible mother since I allowed Carrie to run around half naked in order to find both the camera and the camera card, here’s more: Carrie sitting on the couch, watching T.V., next to big stinky dogs! Molly gave me the look that said (read in the whiniest voice possible) “Mom, she’s touching me again!” and hopped off the couch after this picture:


Murphy on the other hand was not only more than happy to take up the empty spot on the couch, he consented to being used as a pillow. I guess he likes watching Signing Time.


FLAK progress

No pictures, because it’s way late and I don’t want to take flash pictures of it, but I’ve picked up FLAK again. I had put it down to start a baby sweater (no pictures of that either, sorry) but I had to do some cabling today! I finished the back while Carrie napped this afternoon and I spent the closing ceremonies of the Olympics this evening picking up stitches for the front and starting the increases. I decided to make the armhole 9.5″, and once it’s blocked out it may even be a little closer to 10″, because it seemed like 9″ would be too close fitting for something I plan to wear over other shirts. Hopefully it won’t be too big!

OK, off to bed so I can actually function tomorrow…

Sixteen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

In the past month I think I’ve entirely lost the little baby I brought home, but she’s been replaced by the coolest little girl, so it’s all good. You’re such a good-natured little person: you’ve had a cold on and off for this entire month, cut another front tooth plus two molars, and you’ve taken it all in stride and been a happy little girl despite it all.


I don’t even know where to start. You’re up to 100 signs now, having learned a whopping 30 this month: “please”, “thank you”, “help”, “leaf”, “train”, “bean”, “red”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue”, “purple”, “candy”, “surprised”, “boat”, “house”, “brush teeth”, “mouse”, “cake”, “grass”, “clean”, “dirty”, “love”, “I love you”, “hug”, “sorry”, “stop”, “go”, “time”, “sun” and “juice”. And just in this past week your verbal language has exploded too! You’re saying a total of 18 words now – the ones you’ve started saying this month are “ball”, “cup”, “duck”, “chair”, “bear”, “shoes”, “blocks”, “cereal”, “book”, “butterfly”, “hi”, “socks”, “bread”, “coat”, and “cookie”. That gives you a vocabulary (not counting duplicates of signs and spoken words) of 107 total words. That’s amazing! Of course, I’m about the only person who understands fully half of those signs and words, so I get to act as your full-time interpreter. Oh, and you’ve finally realized that dogs do more than pant. If I ask you what Molly says you say “wooo” (your version of “woof!”) and Murphy says “rarararar” (your version of “arf, arf, arf!”)

You’ve learned how to build lego (duplo) towers this month – you can connect a dozen or so of the 2×2 blocks before they get too unstable and start falling apart. And you’re very into mothering your dolls, giving them bottles and binkies and making sure they’re covered with blankets…that is, until you drop them on their heads to go do something else. Reading is still one of your very favorite things to do, and you have a dozen or so of your favorite books that you’ve made up names for, mostly in sign. You’re also starting to become interested in the actual words on the page, pointing them out to me while we read.

It’s amazing how much stuff you’ve learned in the past 16 months. You know where a couple dozen body parts are, including your elbows and your cheeks. I would estimate that you understand about 90% of what people say to you. You’ve learned that to watch Blue’s Clues or Signing Time you need the T.V. remote (and Mommy’s help) and that the cupboard next to the refrigerator is a seemingly endless source of snack food. You’ve even figured out how to push a little step-stool up to the sink so I can help you wash your hands before meals.


Speaking of food…you’re starting to be a little pickier about it finally. Not so much what you’ll eat, because you still eat almost anything we cook, but more how much and when you’ll eat. Some days you eat as much as I do at a meal, other days I wonder whether the dogs are sneaking you food when we’re not looking because you hardly eat anything. The dogs get a lot of extra on those days, and are now on a diet because the vet says they’re each 5-10 pounds overweight! The craziest new thing you’ve tried (and liked) this month is sushi – just cucumber rolls, no raw fish, but sushi nonetheless. We skipped the wasabi, but maybe we’ll let you try that next time.

It’s so much fun watching your personality start to develop, and seeing all the new things you learn every day. It’s amazing to look back at pictures from just a year ago and see how much you’ve grown since then. I’m sure I’ll never be able to record or remember all the cute, funny and crazy things you do, but I hope that these little glimpses of your life will make you smile in a few years.

Love, Mommy

See Spot Stop!

Apparently, Carrie has mixed up the words “stop” and “Spot”. She signs “stop” when we read books about “Spot”. It’s so cute I really can’t correct her. She’ll learn the difference eventually, right?

Tonight we had a birthday party for the older of my younger brothers, and Carrie was in a showing-off mood. She demonstrated all of her signs, and even came out with a new word just for tonight: “hi!” Then she proceeded to “help” Dan open his cards and gifts. Most of her helping involved wandering away with the pretty packages, but then he got her interested in bubble wrap. Instead of scaring her, she giggled every time a bubble popped. And then her Grandma fed her cake and ice cream, and made sure she scraped up every last speck of icing off the plate. No wonder she’s still up an hour and a half after her bedtime…

Bunnies and Cookies!

20060219_bunnies.jpgCarrie absolutely adores Annie’s whole-wheat bunny crackers. She dug this box out of the bags of groceries on Sunday and carried it all over the house giggling with glee while we put everything else away. We found them quite by accident a few weeks ago when we were looking for her “cookies” in the natural foods section of the store, and they’ve become her new favorite snack. I have to confess, I don’t mind snacking on them either.

We had been buying Barbara’s Cinnamon Go-Go Grahams and passing them off as cookies, but our store doesn’t seem to carry them anymore. Besides, Carrie knows what real cookies are now, so I’m not sure she’d be all that convinced at this point. I baked a batch of chocolate/white chocolate chip cookies yesterday on impulse (I used half wheat pastry flour, and they were good enough that next time I think I’ll try all wheat) and every time a tray came out of the oven she signed cookie and said “keee!” I let her have a tangerine, one cookie and some milk for a snack, and she was OK with the fact that she was only getting one cookie. Actually, I impressed myself by having the self-control to stop at one cookie too!

Paper or Plastic?

Our favorite grocery store, Wegmans, has recently begun selling reusable canvas grocery bags. They’re very roomy and sturdy. We bought one several weeks ago to try out, and when we remember to bring the bag with us it’s great. Except…

Not one single cashier at the store has the slightest clue how to use them. They have grommets on one side so they can be slipped right over the metal arms the plastic bags are on, and the gusset on the bottom allows it to stand open quite nicely. But every time we hand it over the cashier looks at it like they’ve never seen a bag before in their lives. And then when we point out that it can be used to hold groceries they proceed to fill it up to overflowing, shoving everything from cleaning products to frozen food to eggs in it together, and causing it to weigh about 50 pounds.

So we thought maybe we should buy a second one, because we’re merely trying to reduce the number of plastic bags we bring home every week – not totally eliminate them because they’re useful – but we thought maybe the cashiers were feeling pressured to fit all of our groceries in the one bag. So we picked another one up and put it on the belt first, expecting that the cashier would ring it up and then use it.

We walked out of the store with our nice, new, roomy reusable grocery bag folded up and shoved into a plastic bag all by itself.