Both girls wanted to try gymnastics, which started today! I don’t think they’re ready to give up dance, but they seemed to both really enjoy their classes.
Anna’s First Field Trip
One of the advantages of sending Anna to the same preschool as Carolyn is that she gets to do all the same fun things! So today was Anna’s first field trip, just like Carolyn’s four years ago. Anna was pretty upset when we got to the farm, because she “wanted to go to school today!” Luckily, that wore off quickly, and she had a fabulous time.

She also really enjoyed trying to feed the animals in the little petting zoo. I say “trying” because she tried to feed them like she gives treats to the dogs: hold it out in your hand and then chicken out at the last second and drop it on the ground in front of them. Too bad, because the goat and sheep had such soft tickly muzzles and tongues. I want to go back just for the petting zoo!
First Day of Preschool
Anna was so very ready to start school that she was beside herself with excitement this morning!

After we put Carolyn on the bus and I managed to drink a little coffee, we headed down to the school and waited for them to open up the doors.

Anna showed her teachers the little treasures she brought with her in her backpack, then made a beeline for the Mr. Potato Head set they had out. She barely looked up when I said “bye”.

Her favorite parts were apparently snack and the playroom. Is it just my two girls that think lunch/snack & recess are the best parts of school?
Meet the Teachers
Anna got to go to her preschool today and meet her teachers!

She was a tiny bit shy at first, but then warmed up pretty quickly.

She apparently thought she needed to show off every bit of knowledge she’s already stored up, as she walked around the room pointing out various things that had her name on them (her star for circle time, her nametag for her seat, her coat hook, etc.) and counting aloud all the numbers she saw. Then, instead of building a tower out of the alphabet blocks as she was instructed to, she lined them up in alphabetical order.

I really hope her teachers didn’t think I coached her to do all that…
First Haircut
I love Anna’s hair, but she was sporting a little baby mullet because she never lost all of her original hair in the back, it’s just been growing non-stop since she was born. There were long bits that when wet and straight would hang halfway down her back, but only a few curls were long and it looked kind of funny. So I brought her in today for her first haircut. She calmly sat in the chair and watched the TV in the room while the stylist evened things up. It looks so cute!
Anna is officially a toddler now! We were at the calling hours for my great grandmother, and she kept pulling up, walking five or six steps, plopping back down, crawling to the nearest thing or person she could pull up on, and repeating the sequence.
She charmed the pants off of everyone there, and added a bit of sunshine to an otherwise sad occasion. Carrie helped lighten things up as well, and took the entire open casket thing completely in stride. I’m not quite sure how she accepted it so easily, but I’m glad for it.
Back at my grandparents house, Carrie managed to convince nearly every single adult there to take her around the woods for walks and help her pick up acorns. And Anna spent the afternoon being danger baby – not only walking, but standing up in the middle of the room without pulling up on anything, and climbing up and down the porch stairs. Oh, my.
First (Baby) Steps
Our anniversary sale is going on this week, so we packed up the kids and all went to the shop so I could be there all day – Anna’s still nursing a few times a day, so I can’t really leave her for an entire Saturday.
While Denis and the girls were hanging out on the couches, Anna took her first couple of teeny-tiny steps. Of course, she wouldn’t repeat it, but she did it, which means it’s only a matter of time before she’s running after Carrie!
Pool Season
Anna had her first dip in the pool today. A rather chilly dip, as we haven’t put the solar cover on and it’s really been rather mild so far this summer, but she seemed to enjoy it.
Carrie discovered that she can stand on her tip-toes in the shallow end and have the water only come up to her neck. She’s getting tall, my big girl!
Baby’s First Toothbrush
A Tooth!
Anna has her first tooth today! For the past few days, I’ve been certain she was teething, and I kept sticking my finger in her mouth to check, but only found bumps on her bottom gum.
Today, I found a tooth! Her bottom right central incisor, to be exact.
Maybe tonight Anna will remember how to sleep all night again?