Jazzy Jack-o-Lanterns

Anna had her school Halloween parade and party today.  She was also the daily helper, and I volunteered to help out with the class activities for the morning.  Exciting day!

Anna is the daily helper!

The class made jack-o-lantern costumes out of paper bags over the last couple of weeks, and these were what they wore for the parade.

Pumpkins on Parade!

They also sang a cute song (to the tune of Frere Jacques):

Jack-o-lanterns, jack-o-lanterns
Halloween, Halloween
See the bats flying, cold black cats are hiding
Ghosts go “BOO!”, ghosts go “BOO!”

Such a cute pumpkin!

Costumes, Costumes Everywhere!

Anna wore her dog costume to library story time today:

Anna Puppy in the library.

And both girls dressed up for dance class this afternoon.  Since their “real” costumes were either too hot or not done yet, we went simple and cool!

Carolyn was a cute black cat:

Kitty Carolyn. Meow!

And Anna was a ballerina bunny:

Ballerina Bunny hopping on the floor...

Pumpkin Picking

Halloween is just two weeks away, so we needed to get some pumpkins!

We headed to a local farm market and parked in what must have been the last space available – everyone had the same idea for this drizzly Sunday morning.

Girls sitting amongst the pumpkins.
Pumpkin perfection. Where's the carving knife??

We checked out the pumpkins and walked through the tepees they had set up.  Those were very cool, they were dark inside and there were dozens and dozens of carved jack-o-lanterns lining the walls of the biggest one.

Just a few of the amazing carved pumpkins.

We skipped the hay ride because it was cold and rainy, but it was very popular.  Hopefully next year the weather will be better!

Anna's pumpkin is nearly as big as she is!
Carolyn really liked this little white pumpkin.

When all was said and done, we came home with three pumpkins, a half dozen pumpkin donuts, some cider, a butternut squash and Indian corn to hang on the door.  What a fun way to spend the morning!

Sharing is Good

Anna is so excited to have the “sharing bag” to bring to school today.  Since the color of the month is orange, she has to bring in an orange mystery item for her classmates to guess.  Her clues are:

1. You eat it.
2. It’s crunchy.
3. It grows in the ground.

Any guesses?


It’s a carrot!

Also, she gets to be the “star helper” for the morning.  Like I said, she’s excited!

Say "cheeeeeeeese!"

Anna’s First Field Trip

One of the advantages of sending Anna to the same preschool as Carolyn is that she gets to do all the same fun things!  So today was Anna’s first field trip, just like Carolyn’s four years ago.  Anna was pretty upset when we got to the farm, because she “wanted to go to school today!”  Luckily, that wore off quickly, and she had a fabulous time.

Anna in the pumpkins.
Riding a bunny "train" car (hooked to a tractor).
Holding a baby chick.
Giddyup, big wooden horse!

She also really enjoyed trying to feed the animals in the little petting zoo.  I say “trying” because she tried to feed them like she gives treats to the dogs: hold it out in your hand and then chicken out at the last second and drop it on the ground in front of them.  Too bad, because the goat and sheep had such soft tickly muzzles and tongues.  I want to go back just for the petting zoo!

Fiber Festival, 2011

This weekend is the annual fiber festival put on by our local spinning guild.  Our shop has a big booth there, so it’s a working weekend for me!

Bits of our booth:

Denis and his parents (here for a visit) brought the girls to the festival this afternoon for a bit.  Their new rainbow sweaters apparently generated lots of comments!

Alpacas are pretty funny looking!
Looking at the grazing alpaca.
These sheep wanted nothing to do with us.
Happy girls!