Four Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you are four months old. I can hardly believe it. A year ago I had just found out that I was pregnant with you, and here you are, a fascinating little person who’s working so hard at learning about this great big world. As of yesterday you weigh 14 pounds and are 24 inches tall, although your official check-up isn’t until next week. (Sorry, you’ll have more shots then too…)

I think every day you learn something new. You are gaining so much control over your body – sometimes when you wave your arms and hands around it’s so smooth you look like a dancer. Just these past couple of weeks you found your head. You like to rub your forehead and cheeks. The first time you did it you looked like you were trying to say “oh, my aching head.” For all I know it does ache, since you’ve been teething a lot lately. We have several teething toys for you – chilled, textured, chilled and textured – but your hands down favorite is…hands. You’ve also discovered that you can grab your feet. Those haven’t quite made it into your mouth, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time!

You’ve completely fallen in love with books. Your two favorites at the moment are “That’s Not My Puppy!” and “Where’s Spot?” You start giggling just as soon as I show you the cover of a book, and you try to help me turn the pages. We could read those two books over and over for an hour and you still wouldn’t get bored. At this point in time your library consists mainly of puppy themed books. I’m trying to branch out a bit, really I am!

You also have become interested in the piano. You like to sit on Daddy’s or my lap and press down on the keys. We’ll be starting formal lessons tomorrow. Just kidding, although I do play scales for you and name the keys while I do it – maybe you’ll have a head start when it’s time for you to learn? (I promise I won’t force you to take lessons if you don’t want to.)

You’ve added some new words to your stories – ah-boo and raspberries. And bath time is becoming much more fun, since you’ve learned that you can splash the water with your hands and feet. We’ve started having you sleep for at least part of the night in your crib in your very own room down the hall, too. That’s harder for me than it is for you, I think. In general you’re becoming much more independent – you can occupy yourself for quite a while and not even miss me, especially if your beloved wind chimes are available.

It doesn’t seem possible, but you’re becoming more fun to be with every day. It’s so exciting to watch you learn and grow!

Love, Mommy

Three Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

You’re already another month older?!? How’d that happen so fast? You’ve changed so much in the past three months – it’s hard to see the changes every day, but looking back to those first few days it’s very clear.

For one thing, you outgrew your first batch of clothes. I’ll admit I was a little sad to put them away, but maybe someday you’ll have a little sister who can wear them. I’d guess you’re about 12 pounds now, and probably at least two feet tall. We don’t go back to your doctor until next month, so I won’t know until then.

You’ve really figured out how to hold your head up. Actually, you’ve been right on track or even early with everything you should be able to do, except roll from front to back. That’s my fault, since I don’t give you tummy time every single day. Sorry about that – I’ll try to do better this month!

We tell stories every day. I start the story: “Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl named Carolyn, and everybody agreed she was the cutest baby ever, in all the land.” You go on to tell me about baby princess Carolyn’s latest adventures. Most of them involve a lot of giggling and (ah-)goo, but they’re different every time. For some reason your best story-telling position is standing or sitting on my tummy.

One of your favorite toys at the moment is Snuggle Puppy, who lives in your carseat and has her very own song – not to be confused with the actual Snuggle Puppy song we sing to you. You also have a turtle with a mirror in its tummy that you really like. For that matter, any mirror is a favorite, because you love to play and flirt with the baby in the mirror. The baby in the computer (pictures of you) is good for a smile or two, but isn’t nearly as interactive. Oh, and I think your absolute favorite toys right now are your hands. They are apparently endlessly fascinating and extremely tasty!

You are such a good-natured baby. You smile and giggle all the time. When you are upset, you’re at least very cute about it – your little bottom lip sticks out before you really get going, so I can usually distract you from being unhappy before you actually get there. Actually, you’ve managed to completely master pouting already, because you’re just that smart.

I can’t wait to see what the next weeks and months bring – you’re becoming such a fun person to spend each day with! Being a mom is like becoming a child again…I get to see all the wonderful things this world holds through your eyes now. Things as simple as the room suddenly getting dark because I turned off the lights, or the way the light streams through your curtains in the morning become magical because you see them that way. Thanks for picking me to be your mom.

Love, Mommy

Two Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you turned two months old. Not only that, but it’s your Grandma’s birthday, and it’s Christmas Eve, so today is an extra-special day. Later today we’re going to Great-Grandma’s house to celebrate.

You’ve changed so much in the past month. The pictures we took this morning don’t look that much different from when you turned one month old, but there have been so many changes. For one thing, you’re filling out your clothes more – we’re almost ready to retire some of your 0-3 month outfits, even though they’re my favorites. You’ve grown three whole inches and gained four pounds since you were born!

You can hold your head up for the most part – it’s still a little wobbly, but you have pretty good control of that noggin of yours. When we lay you on your tummy, you can raise your head and chest up off the floor, and you’re starting to move your legs as though you’re trying to crawl. You may have rolled over (but you haven’t done it since, so I really think it was an accident) the other day. Oh, and when I pull you up by your hands to a sitting position you can keep your head steady. Sometimes you even try to pull yourself up when holding my hands. You get pretty frustrated that you aren’t a mobile baby yet, but you’re working really hard at it, and you’ll get there before any of us are ready!

You’ve also become an incredibly social baby. We have long conversations using only the words “ah-goo”, “la”, and “ah-hah”. When you’re happy, you screech so high that I’m afraid you’re going to break glass one of these days. You smile at everyone, especially when they tell you how cute you are. Daddy and I always get the best smiles, though – the ones where your whole face crinkles up and even your arms and legs get into the act.

Just in the past few days, you seem to have discovered your hands. They must be extra-tasty baby hands, because you suck on them all the time. A side benefit of having made this fabulous discovery is that you can now grab at things on purpose. (Nothing is safe anymore…)

You’re still regularly sleeping about 6 hours at night, with a three-hour stretch after that. That’s about the only thing that’s stayed the same since last month. You’re changing so much every day I can hardly keep up! Sometimes I just watch you sleeping, and I can almost see you growing while I watch…

Love, Mommy

One Month Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you are one month old! I find this amazing for so many reasons – I can’t believe it’s already been a month, I can’t believe it’s only been a month, I can’t believe a month can fly by so quickly… I can barely remember life before you (B.C. – Before Carolyn). In fact, it feels like I’ve always had you to take care of.

You’re starting to be so much more alert now. You smile and giggle when things amuse you. Your favorite toys so far are the teddy bears that hang above your pack and play and your musical lamb – well, at least, you notice those toys the most. You’re not terribly fond of your swing, or of being put down while you’re sleeping. You’d much rather sleep on me or Daddy. I guess I can understand that, since you were part of me for so long…being alone must be quite a frightening experience. (Don’t tell your pediatrician, but you sleep in bed with us more than in your cradle. It’s the only way we can get those nice long six-hour stretches you so graciously give us most nights!)

Once you learn how to talk, we’re never going to get a word in edgewise. You coo and giggle, shriek (I think with happiness) and say “ah-goo”. You flirt with your toys…I think you think they’ll give in and pick you up because you are so darn cute. I hate to break it to you, but you’re bigger than they are, so even if they do wake up and move around when I’m not in the room, they can’t lift you. You’ve got this great little “ah-ah” sound you make, too, which I’ve translated to mean “I am the cutest baby ever, now pick me up before I start screaming!” You make good on the threat, too.

Everyone says you’re the most beautiful baby they’ve ever seen. I may be a little biased, but I have to agree. I’ve also been told you’re brilliant for your age. That’s a little scary to me, but hey, you can be as brilliant as you want. Besides, every kid thinks they know so much more than their parents while they’re growing up, so it may as well be true for you. You’re growing so quickly, too. I do just have one thing to say, though…please don’t be in a hurry to grow up! I love watching you change and seeing all the new things you’re discovering and learning, but please take your time about it. I’ve never been very good about changes, and it’s hard for me to think that you’re never going to be one month old again after today.

You’ve really made me a morning person. You are just so darn cheerful in the morning, and it’s hard for me not to be cheerful in return. I’ve watched so many more sunrises since you were born – not because you wake me up earlier, but because we’re usually nursing in your room around when the sky is turning all shades of sky-blue-pink, and it gives me an excuse to just watch the colors change through your window instead of doing the things I used to think were important. I think I’ve learned almost as much as you have this past month. You’re a great teacher. (You get that from your Daddy.)

Love, Mommy