Dance Photos

The studio Carrie takes dance at had their group photos done today.  The kids all had to wear their costumes and a bit of makeup.  (As an aside, I actually bought Carrie her own makeup, as I don’t really wear it and all of mine is quite old.  So in the same shopping trip (at Wegmans, where they carry everything) I bought my 4 year old both makeup and a Handy Manny toy on clearance.  Uhhh…)

Without further ado, Carrie in her tap costume:20090509_dancecostume

There’s a pink hat that they’re also supposed to wear, but I haven’t gotten a decent picture of her in it.  For their non-tap number, they take off the hat, add a very poofy blue tutu/petticoat thing, and have child-sized brooms.  Not your traditional pale pink leotard with tutu, but very cute nonetheless.

Kindergarten Screening

Carrie had her kindergarten screening this morning.  The teacher should have realized she had her hands full when she said something along the lines of “oh, goody, I get to test a four year old” and Carrie piped up with “actually, I’m four-and-a-half now!”

I couldn’t see most of what was going on, but I could hear a lot of it.  It was all I could do not to laugh out loud at some of the things coming out of my child’s mouth!

Highlights of the test:

After Carrie correctly identified her heel, the teacher asked, “Who taught you all of these things?” and Carrie replied, “My imaginary friend!”

At one point the teacher asked Carrie to hop on one foot, and then to walk in a straight line, heel to toe.  Carrie said, “Oh!  Like walking on a tightrope!  I learned how to do that from JoJo’s Circus, and I know a whole song about it: ‘Balance, balance, use your balance, arms out wide and use your balance.'”

The teacher handed Carrie a book (My Little Cat) and asked her to demonstrate how the teacher would read the book.  So Carrie flipped it over so it was oriented correctly and read it front to back (it had all of maybe 20 unique words in it) and the teacher said, “Your imaginary friend taught you to read very well!”  Carrie’s reply?  “No, that was my mommy!”

After the screening was over, the teacher came back out to meet me and said that Carrie is so ready for school she should already be there.  Tell me something I don’t know!  I just hope she doesn’t wind up with a teacher who underestimates her because of her birthday…

4.6 Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you are officially 4-and-a-half.  You’ve made sure that everyone you see knows it, too!  When I told you this morning that it was your half birthday, you wanted to know if there would be cake.  I thought about it, but instead we settled for ice cream at Friendly’s after lunch.  Maybe next year I’ll figure out how to make you a half cake for your half birthday!20090415_icecream

You are thrilled that the weather is getting nicer.  We’ve spent some time outside lately on your tricycle, blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk…I think you’d live outside all day long if I let you.  At the same time, you would probably be willing to watch TV for the entire day if I let you do that, too!  You now know how to work the entire setup we have – you can turn the TV on yourself, switch the receiver to the right mode, control the DVD player and the Tivo…so the next time one of your grandparents is over to watch you while Daddy and I go out you can be in charge of helping them use the TV!20090330_book

Speaking of things you can do yourself, every day you are getting more independent.  In many ways, it’s good – I’m glad you’ll be able to use the bathroom entirely without help when you go to kindergarten, and once we figure out where to store some of your cups, plates and bowls so they’re within reach I think you could practically be independent for meals of breakfast cereal and pb & j.  In other ways…it’s not so good.  I’m terrified of the fact that you can open any (locked or unlocked) door leading out of this house, and that you’ve learned this month how to get around the extensive network of baby gates we have up.  You’ve used your new skills to get out of the house more than once without permission, and the scary part is that you really don’t get why that upsets us so much.  I think we’re going to have to put hook and eye latches on the outside doors…20090414_trike

You’re an amazingly wonderful big sister.  It’s cute (even though I do try to discourage it) to find you in your sister’s crib in the morning, plotting with her about how the two of you can best make me crazy that day.  You want so much for her to be your playmate, and can’t quite understand why she won’t do exactly what you want her to do.  I predict that in a couple of months you’ll have a little more success with her understanding your directions, though I also predict that she’s got quite the mind of her own and won’t necessarily want to do what you ask!20090410_piano

And even though we’ve had quite a bit of struggle lately, you and I, you are an amazing daugher as well.  You are working to gain your independence, and I am working to keep you safe.  Those two goals can’t always exist in harmony, and sometimes it feels like entire days are spent arguing over what you can and can’t do, and why you can or can’t do it.  I have faith we’ll figure it out, though, and no matter how rough a day we have, I will always, always love you.

Love, Mommy

Easter Preparations…

Yesterday we baked cookies – lots and lots of cookies – with the help of our cousins Kathy, Benny, Ryan and Debbie (aka “Aunt Dee Dee”).

So this morning we had to frost and sprinkle them:

G. G. Cookies
G. G. Cookies

And then we dyed a bunch of hardboiled eggs.  No pictures of the actual dyeing process, but what a cute artist!


Wear Your PJs to School Day

Today was “Wear Your PJs to School Day” at the preschool. Last year, Carrie and I had plans to meet Uncle Michael for lunch, and she refused to entertain the notion of changing into daytime clothes after school. So, wisely knowing when to pick my battles, I let her spend the entire day in her pajamas. We met for lunch, and in the process she got honey and peanut butter all down her front. After, we went for ice cream, and she got blue cotton candy ice cream all down her front. Finally, we went to the bookstore, and I couldn’t figure out why I was getting all these dirty looks from everyone else there…until I realized that my 3.5 year old was walking around in food stained pajamas at 3:30 in the afternoon!

So, we decided to make it a tradition. :)

We met Uncle Michael for lunch again today, but no food was spilled. The only odd looks we got were when we were shopping in the clothing store – maybe the people there thought all our clothes were dirty so I took my kid shopping in her pjs for new, clean clothes?

Oh, and then we went to a bike shop and Carrie tried out some bikes for size (we’re thinking of getting her a two-wheeler with training wheels this spring)…in her pajamas. And a helmet, of course!

4.5 Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

You’re just a little closer to being 4 and a half. Now you tell everyone: “I’m four. Soon I’ll be four and a half. And in October I’ll be five!” Then you follow it up with “My mommy’s name is Sarah and my daddy’s name is Denis. And we have a baby and her name is Anna. My name is Carolyn and my middle name is Sylvia. And my last name is…” Pretty soon you’re going to be sharing our phone number and address!


Speaking of sharing, Anna has become mobile enough that she can get to whatever you are playing with if you’re playing on the floor. So I get to spend a fair amount of time moderating. But for the most part you’re really tolerant of her getting into your space and “messing up” whatever you’re doing.

You still can’t get enough of books and reading. Lately you’ve been reading a series of books about the weather fairies, and you are just so excited whenever you get a new one. One day when we went to pick out the next one at the bookstore, Anna fell asleep in her stroller. So we hung out for a little while in the store and you were just finishing up the last page of the book when it came time to check out – I had to steer you around while you walked with your nose stuck in the book!


You are still loving dance. Last week at the studio we were unexpectedly treated to a preview of one of the dances you’ll be doing at your first recital, and you were so serious and professional. I can tell you’ve really been working hard in class!

The other things you like to do right now include riding your tricycle, drawing and coloring on your easel, and playing with your dollhouse and ponies. Actually, there’s not a whole lot you don’t like to do, except sleep – you might miss something!


At this point you’ve decided you want to be a dancer, chef, mommy and fire fighter when you grow up. Last year around this time you were only planning to be a dancer and a chef, so you’ve expanded your plans a bit. I have no doubt that no matter what you want to be, if you put your mind to it you’ll be able to do it! Though I reserve the right to worry about you if you do decide to be a fire fighter…

Love, Mommy

Kindergarten Registration

I know there’s 6 months before she actually goes to Kindergarten, but I can’t believe my baby is old enough to be going to Kindergarten! And riding the bus! And eating her lunch away from me every day…

Good thing she’s excited about it!


This is in front of the building where she’ll be going to Kindergarten…the same building her great-grandmother and grandmother went to for high school, and her uncle went to for junior high. (I couldn’t get the actual building in the picture without standing halfway across the parking lot. I need to bring a wide-angle lens next time.)